Saturday, 22 March 2025

The Power of Distraction...

Yesterday I did something really stupid. No, don't worry I didn't touch my cock again... I'm not that stupid! No, unfortunately I was supposed to sort out the garage while Mistress had lunch with her friend... and I did eventually do that, but as I entered the chaos that was our garage I spied the lawn edger and decided it would be a good idea to edge the lawn. I mean, sounds like way too much fun for the lawn if you ask me, but anyway...

Our lawn is pretty small, so it wasn't a big job or anything. One edge has paving slabs and one edge meets gravel so it's really just the back and the right hand side that needed doing. So I started and by the time I was 2/3rds of the way round I had managed to fuck up my back. I couldn't really leave it half done though so I persisted and then spent an hour on the sofa with a heat pad before I eventually went out and sorted the garage. 

Predictably my back only got worse during the evening and today it wasn't much better. Actually standing up was better than sitting down in some ways and we had booked an Escape Room and a lunch out today which was probably a good thing really as we probably would have ended up doing nothing otherwise.

We both really wanted to have some bed-time this afternoon and as always I was super eager to taste Mistress's gorgeous pussy, but I was in two minds about whether I was likely to be able to ignore the pain in my back enough to enjoy any teasing that Mistress might have wanted to give me.

Well, as often happens actually, once I got my face down between Mistress's super-sexy thighs I soon forgot all about the pain in my back. It's amazing how that happens isn't it? And so after Mistress had her orgasm and I worshipped her feet a little while she hopped off the bed and then jumped right back on it. She said 'I want you to lick me properly clean...'

Talk about music to my ears! I slid up the bed as she put her hands on the solid wooden bead-head and leaned forward as I pressed my face between her legs from behind. I just love cleaning Mistress's gorgeous pussy and ass and her juices taste so amazing I wish she would do this every time.... so, so wonderful! 

Well after that delicious moment my back pain was well and truly forgotten and I was excited when Mistress asked if I was going to put a cock ring on. I quickly put the Oxballs Cocksling 2 on and slid onto the bed next to Mistress. We kissed and Mistress's fingers immediately started to gently tease my balls. 

I don't know what it is about this kind of super light teasing, but it seems to send me nuts almost immediately. I was rock hard and breathing heavy in seconds, I mean obviously cleaning Mistress first got my motor started but it's crazy how fast this seems to work on me.

Mistress kept this up a while before eventually sitting up next to me and giving my balls some playful slaps. Then she started to stroke my cock properly, which felt fantastic. I was so worked up that it wasn't too long before I felt the edge approaching and mindful of my previous faux-pas I decided to shoot the flare a little earlier this time.

A wise decision perhaps, but as Mistress let go she said 'Then that's all you're getting for today'...

While I of course respect Mistress's decision, my cock really didn't want to hear it and as I cuddled her my cock throbbed against her thigh, which (I noticed) she pressed firmly forward to make it even harder. As I lay there I secretly imagined her smashing her sexy thigh into my poor aching balls and that didn't help matters either - my cock was steel-hard for ages! And even when I pulled the Oxballs off it refused to calm down completely. 

Sadly as soon as I got out of bed the back pain returned, though it doesn't seem quite as bad. It's amazing what a bit of distraction can do... 

Friday, 21 March 2025

What Made You Think I Was Going to be Fair....

Every so often I come across a caption that really speaks to me. This is one such caption... if we're honest with ourselves 'fairness' is the absolutely last thing we really want.  

Speaking of which, another awesome post at SubHub's blog 'She Was Selfish'.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Oops, I Did it Again...

I didn't think it would happen so soon... I really didn't, but unfortunately I slipped up again!

I'm still not sleeping well, and this morning I had to get up early to go and get weighed. While I've generally been waking up before 7AM, this morning I woke up at 5:40... and I just knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep. I tried, but it just wasn't happening, and eventually I rolled onto my back. I was kinda half awake - half asleep, and I suddenly realised I was touching my cock. 

I immediately pulled my hand away, and the stupid thing is it wasn't even as if I was hard and desperate for attention! So of course I had to tell Mistress R today (as per our new rules) and so I have to wait and see what punishment she decides to administer. I really can't believe it, I thought it would be months until I had to confess to anything and so did Mistress...

At least it wasn't a conscious decision, that's all I can offer by way of excuse, but still...

The good news is that today I finally made it to 4 stone (56lbs) lost, which made me very happy and took a lot of pressure off because I really needed to achieve that before things get too relaxed this week while we are off work. I've already booked next week off to give myself an extra week to get back on track.

As far as the story goes... I really haven't had time to do anything to it the last couple of days and I'm not entirely sure when I will get time to finish it. I was expecting it to be done any time, but it might not be this week now. Last time I read it it felt 'off' somehow. I don't know if it's because I'm trying to write it in a slightly different style, adding in some humiliation for example, but whatever it is, it definitely needs more work. Maybe I should get Mistress to read it as it is and see if she has any advice? 

'Danni and Mike: The Anniversary' is still climbing on Literotica albeit very slowly. It's now up to 4.4 / 5, but I can't see it climbing all the way to 4.5 so maybe I have to accept that story isn't good enough to be labelled 'HOT'. 

Sunday, 16 March 2025

Sunday Morning Teasing...

So it seems that 'Danni and Mike: The Anniversary' hasn't quite hit the mark like the previous four stories I posted to Literotica and it's currently sitting just under the 'HOT' threshold on 4.4 / 5. Still a jolly good score, but not quite there. It has risen about 0.3 over the last couple of days so it's heading in the right direction, and I guess I should be happy with that.

I was planning to follow that up with 'Danni and Mike: Danni's Game', but instead I've been working on 'Recruiting a New Pet - Chapter 2' (with outlines for chapters 3, 4 and 5!) since what started as a pretty short, almost throwaway tale of Goddess Cora and her nervy young pet has become my new highest scoring work on Lit (currently a fairly staggering 4.74 / 5!).

Part two takes a surprising direction, honestly I was struggling to see how to continue the story without it being a little underwhelming, but I've come up with something and I'm quite pleased with how it's going so far. Of course, writing sequels to new stories isn't really helping me get the backlog of ideas down, and I'm still coming up with new ideas to add to the pile. All I need is a few more hours in a day so that I can turn these ideas into finished stories!

After a week of poor sleep (I notice the moon was full last night and I believe that can have something to do with it) Mistress and I have been quite tired the last few days. And yesterday we had to get up early to go out for the day and then in the evening we were out late visiting Mistress R's cousin and her adorable new puppy.

We were both hoping to sleep in this morning, but once again I woke up early. I thought about just giving up and getting up, but I felt so groggy and tired I decided to just lay quietly for a while longer. Unfortunately for me when I am tired like this my foot and leg hurts a lot due to nerve damage from a back operation many years ago. It's like numbness, but it hurts if that makes sense.

Anyway, I kind of dozed for about an hour I guess and by then I was really starting to ache all over, not just my leg/foot and I really needed to get up and get some painkillers to take the edge off. I rolled onto my back and realised that Mistress was awake too. She moved towards me and I felt her hand move across my stomach and just rest there.

To be honest I was half excited / half worried that she would want to tease me because there was zero sign of morning wood today. After a little while she moved her hand away and then put it back again, this time just brushing against the tip. I tried to relax and my mind meandered first to that super memorable Saturday night teasing from last weekend (wow, was that really only a week ago, it seems like it's burned so hard into my memory from repeated viewing) and then to another favourite memory of mine... 

It's a good couple of years ago now, but one time I was downstairs and Mistress called me upstairs, I had no idea why... when I got up there she undid her jeans, pulled them down, turned around and told me to worship her ass. That was so fucking hot. It's something Mistress has rarely done, maybe only two or three times ever, but I LOVED just being told to do it and then sent away again.

Well this seemed to do the trick and I was soon surprisingly hard! 

Mistress started to very gently tease my cock and soon I was breathing heavy and pushing against her hand, desperate for more (but secretly wanting her to keep it light and frustrating). It felt so incredibly good. Eventually though I started to go off the boil, but given how tired I am at the moment I was happy to have got where I did in the first place. 

Seems to be the way of it at the moment, it's not that I can't get hard, but the numbness eventually takes it's toll and that's where the cock ring / cocksling / ballstretcher comes in handy, just to keep things going. Especially with this kind of super frustrating teasing. I do love it like that though, Mistress teasing me so lightly... I can't believe it's taken me forty five years to realise just how amazing that kind of stimulation really is!    

Mistress was feeling too achy and tired herself to enjoy my tongue this morning, but hopefully later we'll both be feeling more awake and up for it.

R.A.N.P. - 2 is quite far along and I should expect it to be finished in the next 2-3 days (at the most), so look out for that soon.

Thursday, 13 March 2025

More Positive Discussions and a Punishment...

Last night was interesting and very positive. Mistress was rather tired (neither of us seem to be sleeping that well at the moment), and after she had a nice orgasm on my tongue I just wanted her to rest. But she insisted she wanted to tease me... and I was eventually persuaded. 

And I'm glad because it was bloody fantastic! 

But first Mistress decided to administer the punishment for my accidental ruin the other day. Now as you know I'm no pain slut... so don't expect me to take 50 swats with a paddle. But I want to be fair with Mistress as far as establishing what is a reasonable punishment for distinct events because I want them to be a deterrent too and after the fact I did feel three with each side of the paddle wasn't really enough. 

Although saying that I am still feeling it today so it was obviously something... maybe I just have a delicate bottom? Actually you know... I never thought about it before but the fact that my butt feels a little tender today means that I am constantly thinking about Mistress (and by extension last night's teasing) and that makes me very happy. Oh and there's more to this story too, but first... 

After my punishment I put the Oxballs Cocksling on and Mistress applied a little lube to her fingers then began teasing my cock and balls. It felt amazing... again it wasn't really stroking, just using her fingers to play and tease. I can't believe how frustrating this kind of teasing is and  honestly I absolutely LOVE IT!   

Mistress did eventually give me some full strokes but only for about 30 seconds right near the end. I wasn't edged though as Mistress had already decided a time limit for this teasing since it was part of my punishment.... though I can't help thinking I enjoyed it way too much to really call it that. I guess some 'normal' guys would find it infuriating to be teased like that, but not me. I loved it, especially since Mistress was going the extra mile and talking to me throughout, just pressing buttons in my submissive brain...... so damned good!

After I had taken the Oxballs off, Mistress and I talked some more about our chastity-Femdom relationship and how we want it to be from now on. I told her that the paddling I had received didn't really seem sufficient and she agreed. It's notable that every time we are discussing punishing me she likes to jump to a harsher punishment - like I was saying that we need a guide amount but that she could modify it depending on how long it had been since she'd previously punished me for the same thing and she immediately said 'Then it's doubled!'. Eeek, what have I done! 

We continued to talk about things and then Mistress suggested we try the crop instead. You know... I can't even remember how long ago (or even from where) we got this crop. It sits behind my bedside table and every Session I get it out and after every Session I put it back. It must have been there for at least ten years and I don't remember it ever being used once. Just like the Nexus prostate massager thing.

But not tonight! Mistress used it on my ass a few times, harder each time. And at first it was okay but by the third or fourth stroke it was really quite stingy. I'm not sure whether I can still feel that today or not, I think I can because while my whole rump feels sensitive there is one spot that feels particularly tender... and it definitely has quite a sting to it (remember I am no pain slut, so if you're laughing at the back, shut up!).

Our problem is Mistress doesn't want to give up using the paddle in our Femdom sessions because she likes using it (Mistress is so cute when she says that, I love it!). But we really need something we can keep specifically for punishments, so maybe the crop is the answer. She can always use both together for punishments and still keep the paddle in our sessions.

I mean, as much as I'm not into pain, I love that Mistress enjoys using it on me, so I'd be more than happy for her to use the paddle or whip whenever she wanted to (she already uses the cock whip on my cock and balls fairly regularly) for no reason other than she likes it. In which case it's even more important we keep something back solely for punishments.

Anyway... as our discussion was going so well I decided to bring up another subject that I've been wanting to broach for a long time. Actually a very long time...

Y'see... because we've never used an actual cage (Mistress never liked the idea and I'm not really convinced it would be great for me either having very briefly tried a plastic one and seen how much it stuck out under my clothes. Also not being circumcised I wonder how you can ever keep yourself clean?) we've never really had the mindset of me getting 'unlocked'. So with that in mind I explained to Mistress that I think really there is no need for her to feel obliged to tease me every time I go down on her. 

I love making her cum so much that just that alone makes me so happy... obviously I love getting teased too, but I would rather Mistress only did it if she really wanted to. If she's a little tired or if it wasn't as great as it could have been and she doesn't feel like teasing me, or if she just doesn't want to then I'm okay with that. 

Honestly I'd rather be teased less but have it be great because I knew Mistress really wanted to do it (honestly I struggle to really enjoy it if I feel like Mistress isn't really in the mood and she's just doing it for me) and I LOVE the idea of Mistress enjoying her own pleasure without worrying about mine. I've always said her pleasure and satisfaction is paramount in all of this and I meant it. Besides, Mistress sometimes teases me late at night when she wants nothing for herself, and last time she did that it was OFF THE CHARTS good, so I have nothing to complain about. 

I must admit though, this is perhaps one area where caged chastity is superior, that the keyholder decides when and if you are let out. Without that it's probably harder for the Mistress who might feel mean just taking pleasure without reciprocating. And it's hard to explain that, during our conversation I caught myself about to say 'I want you to be selfish' but stopped myself because 'selfish' gives it a negative slant and I don't want her to feel that way about it. 

Anyway, I've been wanting to talk about this for a long time but I've been waiting for the right time because I was really expecting her to pushback against it. However... Mistress took this extremely well and the look on her face was priceless. Honestly she looked at me like I had just given her a ten carat diamond. So that was interesting...! 

I'm really happy though that she sees it as a positive and further to that I took great pains to explain that I won't feel resentment or complain about it (which I absolutely won't - not even in jest, until I am sure she has accepted that I really am on board). And in future the default position will be that nothing is happening unless she tells me it is. I think this is very important because I feel like again if it's left on her to tell me 'nothing is happening' then she might feel bad about it and at least until she gets used to this new situation it's best avoided.

I also explained that if I was caged properly she might decide to tease me without unlocking me. That could mean just kissing me but not touching me sexually, playing with my nipples or balls or using a dildo in my ass. I must admit I really love the idea of Mistress pegging me without any other teasing or minimal teasing... just enjoying her orgasm and then fucking me. That's a seriously hot thought... 

And since our conversation was going so well I decided to also explain that I didn't want her to feel like she had to edge me every time she teases me. Since I have stopped having regular orgasms, teasing has become so much more pleasurable. Once you take the 'endgame' out of the equation you learn to enjoy the whole experience and now every gentle touch, every slap, every lick is so much more than before.

Of course I love being edged and I'm not saying I don't want that anymore, simply that she shouldn't feel it's necessary to my enjoyment of her teasing as a whole. If she wants to edge me that's great, but at the same time if she just wants to gently tease me or just hold my cock gently and tell me to fuck her hand then I'm 100pc on board with that too.

Oh fuck that's another very hot thought... there's another story right there!

Mistress and I also discussed some other ideas for punishments, she actually suggested making me wear a cock ring all evening, which is a great idea in theory but unfortunately probably not a good one in practice. Since cock rings restrict bloodflow wearing them for more than 30mins is not a great idea. I'm not so sure about the ball stretcher, that might be less restrictive, but I think probably our largest buttplug (the glass one that I can only just take) is probably a safer bet - and definitely not comfortable for me!

I'm wondering what else we could do that would be like putting spikes in a cage? Perhaps some kind of cream she could rub on my balls - not as strong as Deep Heat. but a similar idea. Or maybe I could concoct a potion using Deep Heat mixed with something else like E45 cream to tone it down so that it's uncomfortable rather than complete agony!

(In case you're wondering, yes I do know what it feels like because many years ago Mistress accidently* rubbed some neat Deep Heat on my nuts and it was not fun!)

* Well, she said it was an accident... I'm not so sure.

I didn't mention this to Mistress last night but I also think perhaps it would be good if I wore a butt plug while going down on her, then if she wants to she can play with it, or if she did want to peg me then I'm already warmed up, but if she doesn't want anything further she can just ignore it and I can remove it when we get out of bed. I will suggest this to her later. 

Okay, well I guess that's about it for today, for the third (or is it the fourth?) time this week I woke up at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep... so that was another hour I spent thinking about the previous night and clasping my hands together to keep them away from my throbbing cock - gah! 

Oh well, never mind, Mistress and I are on holiday next week so hopefully I will be able to catch up on my sleep (and finish some more stories too!). 

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

It's Only Words...

The other day I suggested that perhaps Literotica might return my story 'Tell Me the Truth' because of the ball-kicking content it contained; but I was wrong and they published it without any issue. However I noticed this morning that I had an email from 'Blogger' telling me that my post 'Tell Me the Truth' had been re-instated. Looking further down my inbox I discovered another email telling me my post had been put behind a sensitive content warning... so maybe it's Google I need to worry about now?

Quite why they need to put individual posts behind 'Sensitive Content' warnings when the whole blog is behind a sensitive content warning I really don't know, but I'm glad they decided to put it back. I mean 'The Vice' is still on the blog and that's way more fucked up than 'Tell Me the Truth' ('The Vice' is the one that Literotica flat out refused to publish and there was another story I had to modify considerably to make it lame enough for them, that one was another CBT story. Thankfully you can read both of these in their original format HERE).

I've never really understood the need to censor texts (as opposed to videos or pictures), to my mind you should be able to write pretty much what you want. I mean proper published novels contain the most graphic descriptions of murder, rape and God knows what else, so I really don't see why 'stories' which in this particular case feature a 'couple' engaging in consensual CBT should require censorship.

Anyhoo, I've just submitted 'Danni & Mike - The Anniversary' to Literotica, hope you enjoyed that one, and I'm starting another 'Danni & Mike' story next I think, no title as yet but hopefully it will be along soon. In the meantime I'm blown away by the reaction my recent spate of stories has received, with all five of them currently sitting in the 4.5-4.8/10 range (which means all of them are rated 'HOT' on Literotica). 

Admittedly as time goes by it's likely that these scores will slowly fall, but they have all started damned strong and as long as they don't fall past 4.5/5 they retain that little 'HOT' tag. Hopefully 'Danni & Mike - The Anniversary' will hit the mark too and keep this streak going!

I'm itching to start writing what will likely be my next 'big' story, but first I really want to clear out as many ideas from my desktop folder as I can. I am off work next week so that should give me some free time to write.

Also I think I need to look into self-publishing again, or publishing on demand, or whatever it's called. Because I would still really like an actual properly printed book of my stories, or books I guess since there's a lot of them now... I can't really imagine that many other people would actually want to buy a copy given that all these stories are freely available here and on Literotica, but maybe I could write a story that was exclusive to the book.... hmm.

Does anyone have any experience with these kinds of services, or advice? Thanks in advance...

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Danni and Mike - The Anniversary Dinner (Written March 2025)

This story was originally written in 2023, but revised and finished in March 2025.

Danni and Mike sat in the back of their taxi, holding hands as they rode through the warm summer night towards the home they’d shared for just over a year now. Tonight for their third wedding anniversary they’d revisited the scene of their very first date, a small upscale Italian restaurant in the middle of town. But the restaurant held more memories than simply the venue of their first date, it was also where Mike had asked Danni to marry him and also where he had officially asked her to take on the role of his ‘Mistress’. 

Not that this had come as a surprise to Danni, she was well aware of her husband’s submissive tendencies and she cherished them just as much as she cherished his devotion to her and her pleasure. Many a time he had told her that he would go to any lengths to please her… even if it meant temporarily sharing her body with someone else, if that’s what she truly wanted.

Danni was quite taken aback by this, in fact she was a little shocked because for her part she had zero intention of ever sharing her man with anyone, nor of taking him up on his offer. But… there was no harm in keeping this in her pocket and on occasion she would pull it out to turn the screws on her dedicated husband.

Sometimes she used it when he was a little ‘tired’, or maybe when he was having trouble getting hard for her (which wasn’t often, thankfully). It was quite amazing how as soon as she started talking about another man filling her tight little pussy, Mike would suddenly perk up… but sometimes she used it just for fun, and tonight would be one of those nights.

The taxi was getting nearer its destination now and Danni leaned close to her lover, whispering in his ear as her hand slid under her short skirt and into her panties.

“Mmm, I love that I can touch myself whenever and wherever I want, but that you have to ask me for permission every time… that’s sooo fucking hot.”

Danni pulled her hand free and then slid her fingers into Mike’s willing mouth. He sucked them clean and then kissed her hard as she reached down and squeezed his semi-hard cock through his jeans. 

Abruptly the taxi came to a halt and they broke their kiss. They thanked the driver, quickly made their way up the drive and unlocked the front door of their impressive house.

As soon as they got inside Danni pressed herself against Mike, pushing his much larger frame against the wall and reaching down to rub his already throbbing cock. They kissed passionately and Mike’s hand fell between their bodies, searching for his wife’s eager pussy. Danni first batted his hand away and then grabbed both of his hands and pushed them back. 

“No touching unless I say…” she warned.

Ever obedient, Mike clasped his hands together behind his back while Danni sank to her knees in front of him, unbuckled his belt and then unzipped his jeans. She slid them down and let them fall around his ankles, his rock-hard cock tenting his boxers impressively.

“I have been so horny tonight,” Danni told him. “You know how I get when I drink too much…”

Mike groaned as her lips gently teased his cock through the thin cotton of his boxer shorts. She pulled back and he looked down just in time to see her licking her fingers, savouring the taste of her own juices from between her legs. 

“God…” he moaned. “That is so fucking hot.”

Danni glanced up and smiled. She raised herself up and kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth and gifting him another small sample of her musk.

“You love that so much don’t you?”

“Yes Mistress, you always taste so good…”

Danni smiled naughtily and pressed her fingers back into her slick, wet hole. She lifted them up and rubbed her scent all over his lips. 

“Beg me to let you clean my fingers again.”

“Please Mistress, please… I want to taste your beautiful pussy so bad.”

“Lick your lips first.”

Mike ran his tongue around his lips while Danni idly played with his cock with her other hand, gently squeezing the cotton around his shaft.

“Good boy… now you can.”

Danni pressed her fingers into Mike’s mouth, watching as he licked and sucked every last drop of her scent clean from her slender digits.

She sank down once more, pulling his boxers with her as she dropped and swiftly engulfed the head of his cock with her warm, wet mouth. They both groaned as Danni’s fingers returned to her sodden pussy, and then further back to tease her tight asshole.

Mike leaned back against the wall, his hands still clasped behind his back. His wife loved to suck cock and she was very good at it, but he kinda knew this wasn’t going to be a straightforward blowjob… she was way too turned on for that!

Mike felt the air circling around his wet cock and looked down to see his wife looking up at him, her fingers still tight around the base of his straining meat.

“You know what else made me horny?” she beamed. “Our waiter. He was gorgeous… I bet he has a nice big cock too.”

Before Mike could even register what she had said Danni’s mouth had swallowed his dick again and she worked it for a good minute before she continued.

“I bet he would have fucked me so good. I could have pulled him into the rest room and let him fuck me right there, bent over the sink... that would have been so hot, walking back to the table… smiling at you as his cum dripped out of me and down my smooth, sexy legs.”

Again her mouth closed around Mike’s aching cock, her fingers closing around his bloated balls, her nails digging in to his tight flesh.

“I bet you would have been desperate to clean me too wouldn’t you? You would have been dying to taste my cum-filled pussy as soon as we got in the door… especially if I fed some to you in the back of the taxi.”

“Yes Mistress,” Mike gasped. 

“Imagine that slave… licking another man’s cum off my fingers in the back of a taxi… aching to get home just so you could rip my panties off and bury your face between my legs. You’d love that wouldn’t you, licking another man’s load out of my stretched out cunt.”

Mike looked at her through half closed eyes, he loved her more than ever when she was like this.

“Yes… Mistress,” he half croaked. 

Danni groaned loudly as she throated her husbands stalk again. Then abruptly she pulled away and stood up, releasing his cock but squeezing his balls hard..

“Don’t you dare cum until I tell you,” she snapped.

“I won’t Mistress!” Mike winced, as she continued to apply a firm grip to his ballsack. 

“You better not!” she snarled as she looked him dead in the eye.

Danni released him, then strutted into the lounge and sat down on their long purple sofa. She signalled him to follow and when he got close she told him take his shirt off and kneel on the floor in front of her. She lifted her foot and told him to hold it up for her while she lay back on the sofa, spreading her legs and showing him her soaked through panties. 

“Are you still thinking about what I said? About how the waiter’s cum was dripping down my legs… and onto my pretty shoes?”

Mike nodded, delirious with lust for his amazing bride.

“Then lick it.” she said, shaking her foot in his hand. “And stroke your cock for me.”

Danni relaxed back into the sofa, her fingers once more between her legs, sliding beneath her panties and finding her needy clit.

“I hope you’ve got a nice big load saved up for me… because you’re going to be allowed to cum very soon.” 

Danni pulled her foot away from his tongue and ordered him to remove her shoe. Mike let go of his cock, then reached up and undid the tiny buckle before slipping it off, revealing his wife’s delicate foot.

“Don’t stop stroking,” Danni warned. “You need to keep yourself close.”

She shoved her naked foot into his mouth and worked her clit as she watched him. Mike was clearly loving the opportunity to stroke his cock with Danni’s pretty toes in his mouth; there wasn’t one part of her body her husband didn’t adore and she loved watching him worship her.

“Mmm… my pussy is so fucking wet thinking about that waiter. I bet he would have really pounded me hard before he blew inside me. In fact maybe we should go back next week…”

Mike grunted as his tongue slid in and out between his wife’s tiny toes.

“Oh, is it getting hard to hold back? Good… because you’ve only got ten more seconds. And when I stop counting you stop stroking. Understand?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“10… 9… 8… I’m not kidding.”

Mike’s hand was a blur on his cock as he felt his orgasm start to build.

“7… 6… 5… I want you to cum in your other hand.”

Mike let go of his wife’s foot and dropped his left arm so that his outstretched palm was right in front of his straining cock.

“4… 3… 2… Yes, fucking cum for me!”

Mike felt the first two spurts erupt from his cock, but then he heard.

“1… STOP STROKING! Take your hand away… I don’t want you touching that cock until I say so.”

Mike immediately let go of his cock and put his right arm at his side. He was breathing hard as he looked down at the pool of cum forming in his left palm as it slowly dripped from the tip of his aching prick.

“Ooooh… was that frustrating stopping for me like that?”

“Yes Mistress…”

Danni smiled to herself, she loved the feeling of power she got from ruining her slave’s orgasms.

“But you did it anyway. You must really worship and adore me.”

“You know I do Mistress.”

“I do… but I never get tired of hearing you say it.”

Danni looked down at Mike’s cock, which remained quite stiff and was still slowly leaking cum into his hand.
“I want you to very gently squeeze all that delicious cum out and into your hand, okay?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“But no stroking, just tease it out as gently as possible. I want you just as horny when you go to bed tonight as you were when you got up this morning…”

Mike groaned softly as he gently squeezed and cajoled as much of his load as he could out of his cock, fighting the overwhelming desire to pump it out satisfyingly with his fist.

“Is that all of it?”

“Yes Mistress, well… as much as I can get right now.”

“Good slave. Now I know you really want to smear that cum all over my pretty feet and lick them clean, don’t you?”

Mike nodded in agreement but he could already tell there was a ‘but’ coming.

“And if that’s what you really want then I will allow it.”

Danni paused for a few seconds, just to let that thought play through his mind.

“But, if you do decide that’s what you really want… then you don’t get to touch me at all for the rest of the night. In fact you won’t even be allowed to watch me cum… and I know how much you love to watch me cum.”

Mike looked dejected, if not pained at this revelation.

“So… if you really want to please me, you’re going to lick that cum straight out of your hand instead. Are you willing to do that for me?”

Mike looked down at the huge load he had sitting in his palm. Danni had never made him do this before and it felt way more humiliating than when she made him clean his cum off of her gorgeous body.


Mike glanced at his wife’s beautiful feet one last time and then slowly lifted his hand towards his face. 

Danni licked her lips and rubbed her pussy faster, her fingers slipping inside and coating them with her juices.

“Yesssssssss, do it for your Queen.”

Mike sucked and licked the pool of creamy white jizz into his mouth and held it there. Despite the fact that she’d been making him eat his cum for a good couple of years now he still found it acutely embarrassing, in fact the only thing he found more embarrassing was when she made him suck her strap-on. At least when she fucked him in the ass he was generally facing the other way…

“Show me.”

Mike opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue slightly.

“Good slave, now swallow…”

Mike gulped down the mouthful of cum.

“Now squeeze your cock again, see if you can milk out a little more.”

Mike’s cock had wilted a little now and he managed to squeeze another small pool of cum into his hand and dutifully licked it clean.

“Take this off.”

Danni held her other leg out and Mike quickly removed her remaining shoe. He looked hopefully at her foot but Danni had other ideas. She pulled her sodden panties down her thighs and quickly pushed them down to her ankles. 

“Take them off,” she commanded.

Mike took hold of his wife’s panties and pulled them off over her pretty feet. Danni quickly turned over onto all fours on the sofa, her short skirt riding up over her ass as she sank forward onto her shoulder. Then she reached back with her right hand to open her ass cheeks while her left hand moved back between her legs again.

“I want you to worship my perfect ass while I make myself cum.”

Mike was there like a shot, already bending forward, his mouth open as he plunged towards his wife’s delicious ass.

“Eat my fucking ass slave,” Danni moaned as her fingers massaged her swollen clit.

“Get your tongue inside me, make it hard and push it in, I want to really feel it.”

Mike needed no encouragement and he thrust his tongue as deep as he could into his Mistress’s divine asshole, his cock already firming up as he worked his eager tongue inside her.

Danni’s fingers worked their magic and within a few seconds she could feel herself tipping over the edge. She bucked hard and Mike grabbed her hips, holding her tight as he tongue-fucked her ass until her legs gave way and she collapsed onto the sofa breathing hard. 

After a few moments Danni lifted her head slightly and glanced back at her husband. She looked down and saw his hard cock standing up, desperate for more attention and smiled, then slumped back down and stretched out on the sofa, thoroughly satisfied.

Mike knelt there for some time, waiting to see if she had anything left in her, until eventually he realized she was asleep. He leaned forward and gently kissed her gorgeous ass a few more times and then went to fetch her a blanket and a pillow. 

So Much for the Lie In...

Today I had a later start than normal as I wasn't going directly to my normal place of work, so I set my alarm for 7:30 instead of 7:10 and looked forward to enjoying an extra 20 minutes sleep. But of course it was not to be, I woke up at 5:55 and spent the next 90 minutes feeling a little bit cold, but not quite cold enough to actually do anything about it... and then of course I finally started to drift off at 7:25. FFS.

But obviously time awake in bed is never completely wasted, even when you are forbidden from touching yourself.... and while of course my first train of thought was to revisit Saturday night's magnificently frustrating tease session (I think that memory is going to be my 'go-to' for quite some while), which only served to reinforce the always welcome morning boner (don't touch... don't touch... don't touch) my thoughts eventually turned to more recent happenings.

Last night, just before she went to bed, Mistress mentioned my outstanding 'punishment' again (I stayed up a short while to try and wrangle another story into shape... it's getting there but it needs a little more work tonight). Firstly she suggested that maybe I should ask my readers if they had any suggestions... and then she said 'Or maybe I should read SubHub's blog and get some tips'.

Well honestly, my first reaction was 'Hell no!', because not so much recently but in some of his older posts it's clear that Mistress K is rather fond of punishment spankings... sometimes even administering them after Sub Hub has been allowed to cum, just to make absolutely sure he definitely doesn't enjoy them in the slightest! I don't think I would 'enjoy' them anyway, but even so that is next level evil...!

But then later I thought, well actually maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. After all, I can't see reading one blog turning Mistress R completely rogue and it might give her some inspiration that she can adapt to something she feels more comfortable with. And honestly, I'm just pleased she's still thinking about it... because I did worry that she might just let it slide, especially as it wasn't deliberate. But rules without consequences are pointless aren't they? And there's no quicker way back to where we were a few months ago...

And who knows, while I'm sure Mistress R will find SubHub's situation a little 'extreme' for her tastes, I think she might also find it interesting to read about another couple's 'Femdom/Chastity' journey, and perhaps seeing how Mistress K is with SubHub would also make her feel more relaxed about being more 'selfish' and not worrying so much about my 'pleasure'... which can only be a good thing. 

It also occured to me that perhaps reading SubHub's words might give my Mistress a deeper insight into how I feel about her, because while we may live quite different lives, in different countries, there are an awful lot of similarities in how SubHub and I feel about our respective Mistresses. Perhaps it would also be helpful for Mistress to read another blog to help her appreciate how sincere I am in what I write... because just like SubHub I would like nothing more than for Mistress to really believe in how insanely sexy she is and to use it against me in every way possible. 

(Incidentally, I thought it was quite telling how SubHub commented on my post about Saturday night and how he understood completely what I was writing about. It's nice to know that I can occasionally affect him just as he has affected me many times with his fantastic posts.)

Besides, if Mistress did read SubHub's blog and it somehow flicked a switch inside her and turned her into 'Mistress R 3.0'... would I actually be unhappy about that? I mean it's a huge leap from where we are to a full on WLM... and that's not something I believe either of us actually want. But if perchance Mistress said to me, I read that blog and I want that too... well, let's just say I think I could easily be persuaded! 

Albeit I can't help thinking SubHub must be a lot easier on the eye than I am and it must be a lot warmer in Phoenix for Mistress K to keep him naked 24/7! 🤣

Okay look, I would bet 97.5% of my entire life savings against that happening, but even if it helped progress towards 'Mistress R 1.1' I would be more than grateful for that (not that I don't utterly adore 'Mistress R 1.0' you understand). I just want her to know that in my eyes she is by far the sexiest woman on the planet and just being allowed to worship her gorgeous body in any way makes me so incredibly happy... I really want her to believe that profoundly and never doubt it for a second, because she is amazing.

Anyway, if you do have any suggestions for punishing an 'accidental ruin' or indeed any 'unauthorised touching' (haven't done that yet, but it's probably inevitable at some point) bearing in mind I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain, please leave them below.

Can't wait to see what Vanessa comes up with... 🤣