Thursday, 30 November 2017

An Unauthorised Ruin

So another month comes to an end, and this one passed without a single, solitary ‘proper’ orgasm for me… although I did get two ruined orgasms, one early in the month which was deliberate and one tonight which wasn’t.
Mistress had a lovely orgasm on my tongue and then started teasing me as normal. She was sucking and chewing on my cock quite intensely (indeed at one point she asked if I wanted her to stop…. No!) and after a while it felt like I was starting to lose my hardness a bit, but then she started stroking me with one hand and slapping my balls with the other, faster and faster – until I warned her off.
She let go and turned her attention to my face, ‘”No I’m not going to let you cum today slave…” and then she turned back and noticed the cum leaking down my aching cock.
“Oh..” she said laughing. “You’d better thank me for ruining your orgasm then.”
I did as I was told and then she scooped up the cum on her finger and fed it to me.
So two ruins in November and no real orgasms, it’s been 43 days since my last proper orgasm, a good way off my record of 72 days – indeed, to break that record I’d have to wait until after Christmas to be allowed to cum… the 30th of December in fact, would make it 73!
I would love to have worshiped Mistress’s gorgeous ass tonight, but we are supposed to be having our Femdom Session on Sunday and I’m not really supposed to ask close to a session… and besides I wasn’t really in a position to ask given my unauthorised ruin, was I?

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

The Things That Go On In My Head...

Working for a small business can be a good thing, but when there’s a very small number of you and one is on holiday then it can be a bit hectic, especially if business goes mad just at the wrong time. Such is life, I suppose… and so I find myself spending eight hours a day driving a van instead of sitting at my desk doing ‘important things’…
I used to be a van driver, way back, and I love being able to listen to music all day, but since my back operation my feet do not enjoy such long periods in the car and so of course by the time I’m getting home my feet are pretty numb. Which didn’t bode well for tonight’s funtime, since if my feet are numb then chances are I won’t have the best levels of sensation where I need it the most (my cock!).
However, it turned out awesome!
First off Mistress had an amazing orgasm (she literally said that, she said – it’s always good but that was amazing), so that made me feel pretty damn good (and her obviously!), and then though we had the customary slow start, my cock eventually ended up positively throbbing hard.
Funnily enough I started taking my new supply of l’arginine today. I’ve been taking 2x 250mg a day for a long time, but I found it much cheaper at Holland and Barrett and ended up buying the 1000mg tablets instead, so it’s now only one (huge) tablet to swallow, but it still works out about half the price.
If these tablets are responsible for my throbbing stalk tonight then I’m fucking impressed! Surely it can’t work that quick can it? Probably not… but I shall be interested to see how things progress.
Mistress didn’t let me cum but she edged me and gave my balls some incredible slaps. I really love it when they kind of thud into you, rather than being passing blows… if I wasn’t so turned on I’m sure they would hurt, but when you’re really hard it feels awesome.
As Mistress was teasing me a little scenario popped into my head – which I’m not going to spill here – which didn’t hurt either, I could maybe work it into a story… it’s quite ‘extreme’ I suppose, it’s one of those things you’d never really do and in a way it’s hard to understand why it turns me on, but just imagining Mistress saying the words in my head… so fucking hot! 🙂
My head is a fucked up place sometimes, but I like it…