Saturday, 21 April 2018

More Graphs!

So if you thought I was done with the statistical analysis, well, not quite… here’s a couple more graphs to be going on with.

This first one breaks down my orgasms over the last seven years into four categories, Full orgasm with cum eating, Full orgasm with no cum eating, Ruined orgasm with cum eating and Ruined orgasm with no cum eating. The numbers on these graphs are actual instances, not percentages.

This second graph is a little more complicated, it breaks down the full orgasms and shows where/how I was allowed to cum and whether I ate my cum or not. There haven’t been any instances of cumming on Mistress’s ass/feet/breasts/pussy and not licking up my cum… there was one (blissful) instance of cumming in Mistress’s mouth and then having my cum fed back to me. 🙂
It is slightly depressing that I’ve only been allowed to cum on Mistress’s gorgeous feet four times in seven years though…

There is one more (slightly bizarre) bit of analysis to deal with before we can move on. I got a diary at the start of the year, which prompted an idea in my head. So I wrote in the diary all of Mistress and I’s orgasms and wondered if any patterns would emerge. With seven years of data you would expect that things would be pretty even, even though the leap years maybe warp things a little. Still, over seven years you wouldn’t really expect there to be any days without any ‘activity’ at all, except perhaps birthdays, anniversaries or national holidays when we’re likely to be out for dinner or have family commitments.
Not so, Jan 3rd has been a complete washout for seven years. As has the 10th, 14th and 19th of February, the 5th and 6th of April, the 15th of May, the 3rd of June, the 4th 13th, 21st and 23rd of July, the 4th and 7th of August, the 2nd and 16th of October, the 2nd, 3rd and 29th of November, the 12th, 21st and 25th of December!
So the 14th of February is understandable, as are the 2nd and 16th of October, but the rest I have no explanation for.
So, what are the good days?
Well for Mistress R there are twelve days where she’s cum five times out of seven, and three (13th May, 24 Jun and the 8th of Aug) when she’s cum six times out of seven.
For me, well, obviously there are innumerable dates which are completely barren, after all I’ve cum less than half as many times than there are days (even including ruined ones), so any multiples are remarkable really…
Odd then that there are so many, in fact there are fifteen days where I’ve cum twice on the same date, also eight where I’ve had one real and one ruined orgasm, and over and above that we have two dates which have proven particularly fruitful for me. The first is the 4th of January which has seen me granted 2 real and 1 ruined orgasm over the last seven years, and the 27th of December, which takes the overall crown as I’ve enjoyed three full orgasms on that particular date in the last seven years.

Well, I think that’s probably about exhausted the statistical analysis for this year, I hope you enjoyed them (especially Ariel), and maybe now I’ve had a bit of a break from the blog I might feel inclined to start posting a bit more again.

Monday, 2 April 2018

The Start of Another Chastity Year...

Well, it’s April again, so that can only mean one thing – we made it through another year of Chastity. In a way it’s almost strange to think how natural it is now that we’ve been doing this so long, especially when you think how tough it was to get this particular ball rolling.
I’ve been posting much less this year, honestly it is quite difficult to continue to find things to write about when there’s not much ‘new’ to report, that’s probably why most chastity blogs die out I guess…
Still, it doesn’t seem to make any discernible difference to the blog’s popularity, so thanks for everyone who still visits my blog every day and keeps the numbers so unbelievably high – I’m sure I will post more again in the future, and since I’ve not written one story yet this year and I aimed for six, I’d better get on the case with that sooner rather than later.
Still, it’s become tradition that at the end of each Chastity Year I produce a couple of graphs showing how things have progressed, and this year is no different, so without further ado: Graphs!

As you can see, Mistress’s orgasm rate has picked up slightly from the last couple of years, but is still some way behind what it was 2-3 years ago. Hopefully we can get it back up there this coming year.

Well this one certainly shows an upswing, after a very slow start, my rate of Ruined Orgasms has certainly picked right up, though I wouldn’t imagine it will get up too much higher… but you never know!

Well this one clearly shows the steady decline of my real orgasms over the years (apart from a glitch in 15/16 of course). At one point it really looked like it was going to be single figures, but it was not to be. This was also the first year where I had three separate months without a real orgasm, and only one month with more than one. Four times in October 2015 seems like a lifetime ago. 🙂

It was always a kind of ‘unofficial’ target that Mistress should have ten orgasms for every one of mine, and last year we got really close… but this year we totally smashed it!

One more thing, as far as the Milovana teases go, I got nominated for the November Flash tease of the Month, but didn’t win it.
I didn’t get nominated for anything in December.
I got nominated for both Classic and Flash tease of the month in January, but lost both despite having a huge lead to start with.
And again I’m nominated for February for Flash tease, but not scoring too well (but I didn’t expect to with this one).
The voting seems very fishy, even the guy who runs the site messaged me and pretty much said that something very dubious is going on, but he doesn’t know how he can stop it. Ah well, my final House of Edging tease will probably get nominated for March so we’ll have to see how that one goes…