Sunday, 22 July 2018

Hot Hot Hot...

The heat is not letting up in the UK, and we’re completely fed up with it. Last weekend we managed to take advantage of a cooler Sunday morning, but today we were out of the house until lunchtime and when we did get to bed – even with a fan blasting us from about two feet away we weren’t exactly ‘feeling it’…
As soon as we touch we just make each other ‘hot’ and not in a positive way, so we’re trying to touch each other as little as possible – which is not a great formula for awesome sex, is it? We are so getting air conditioning fitted in our bedroom before next Summer!
Still, after some reluctance on the part of my cock, Mistress did manage to get me hard eventually (I was rock hard this morning when I woke up of course, when it was nice and cool…) and eventually edged me. In fact she ruined an orgasm, albeit I actually wasn’t 100% sure if I had cum or not until I looked down and saw a huge amount of cum dripping down my cock.
Mistress suggested it would make a great Instagram picture. I don’t know why, neither of use Instagram… 🙂
I think what pushed me over the edge was not so much that Mistress was slapping my balls as she was stroking my cock (although that definitely helped), but that she was telling me how much she enjoys slapping them while she was doing it – that was really wonderful to hear, and it felt great too – and she really does seem to be getting much more relaxed and forceful with it. 🙂
Despite the heat, we managed to get Mistress to an orgasm which was extra important because next week is supposed to be even hotter than last week so we probably won’t be feeling all that sexy.
Hopefully wherever you are the weather is treating you better than it is here.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Ball Slapping Brutality for the Win.

Despite the ludicrous weather that is continuing to blight our lives here in the UK (it’s still too damned hot!) Mistress and I beat the worst of it this morning and went to bed late morning (before the sun moves round to our bedroom). It had been four days since Mistress had last come and she certainly made up for it with a VERY hard orgasm. I just love it when Mistress comes hard and long like that – it is so rewarding and makes me so happy that I can share that with her.
After she had come, Mistress soon had me hard and quickly moved to pumping me hard and fast while slapping my balls. Mistress really seems to be getting into the ball slapping now and it felt great! I guess it probably only took a few minutes to go from soft to the edge, and once she’d edged me Mistress offered me five more strokes or ten more ball slaps.
I chose the balls slaps and Mistress dished out probably the hardest ball slaps she’s ever given me… clearly Mistress could tell it was quite intense because after every couple she was asking me if I could take it – but I definitely didn’t want her to stop.
It was odd, because some of them stung, but it wasn’t that it was hurting my balls – it was more like when you get spanked – it’s your skin that’s feeling the pain, and it felt more ‘surface level’ if that makes sense? Like sometimes Mistress has slapped my balls and they throb or ache a little bit later or the next day maybe… but this didn’t feel like that it was definitely that kind of sharp, intense pain you get from spanking that hurts for a few seconds but doesn’t last very long.
It was pretty awesome anyway, I really loved it… and my cock was achingly hard. After she finished I begged to taste Mistress’s gorgeous pussy again and she straddled my face and allowed me to lick her a little more. She tasted soooo good, I really love licking Mistress after she’s come when her pussy feels so silky and just incredible!
We lay talking for a little while and then I cheekily licked her pussy a little more – she didn’t put up much ‘resistance’ so I figure why not! I can’t get enough of her delicious pussy, I really can’t… I would so love to lick her several times a day, and then when she’s too sore for that I would happily worship her ass. 🙂

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Lovely Ass Worship, Hard Ball Slapping and a Very Close Call!

Mistress and I do not like the heat, and it seems like every day is nothing but heat right now. I mean I know some of you maybe live in America or Australia and you guys think nothing of 27, 28, 29, 30 degrees… but here in the UK we turn the air-con on in our cars if it’s 20 degrees – well I do anyway.
And it would be wrong to say that it isn’t affecting our sex life, because it is. We both feel so drained at the end of the day that everything seems like an effort. But we persevere and tonight, although I don’t think either of us was really exactly ‘gagging for it’, it really paid off. 🙂
Mistress had a really hard orgasm with my tongue on her clit and my finger gently probing her ass, and afterwards she had me hard pretty quick and I wasted no time in begging to be allowed to worship her gorgeous ass. It seems like ages since I’ve had my tongue in her ass and as she sank down onto my face I greedily licked at her hole while she pumped my cock hard.
Mistress allowed me to worship her ass three times, and the last time I very, very nearly overstepped the mark and came without permission. The edge came so fast, it was probably only luck that just as I was opening my mouth to tell Mistress I was ‘close’ (although close doesn’t really describe it to be honest…) she decided to lift off me and let go of my cock – or maybe she could tell, she seems to be getting very good at that lately I’ve noticed. 🙂
Mistress lay down next to me and told me that was my lot, but I really wanted more and I begged her to slap my balls. I really love having my balls slapped hard when I’m really turned on and I was still rock hard and aching so I knew it was going to feel great. Mistress slapped me about 7 or 8 times, each one harder than the last and it felt absolutely incredible. The last one was probably the hardest she’s ever hit them and I fucking loved it soooo much…. it’s so bizarre, because if I wasn’t really turned on I’m sure it would have hurt, but it just felt awesome! 🙂
When my cock eventually calmed down, there was a nice trickle of clear pre-cum that showed just how close I was to cumming without permission, that really was very close indeed!

I’ve made yet another tease for Milovana, this one is called ‘Sybil A’s Hardcore Edge Trainer’ and you can find it HERE.
It started out right up at 4.7 / 5.0 and then fell right down to 4.0, but it’s climbing up again, I think it’s at 4.3 or something now, which is hopefully enough to get it into the end of July poll.

The four old stories I posted to Literotica a week or so ago have all got decent scores too, all of them have more than 4.0/5.0 despite not being as well written as my recent stories – something which I pointed out myself in the introduction, but one reader was all too keen to point out my shortcomings anyway…
ANONYMOUS SAID: CRAP! Beating her ass then cumming inside her pussy is not a new idea. Thus, what qualifies this story as crap is the absence of crafting of this story. You rush to the end without either Tina or her dad enjoying any feelings on the matter. Why didn’t Tina question why she was getting turned on by the spanking? Why did her dad fuck her without remorse over the incest he was committing with her? If this is the best you can do, don’t bother writing anything else. You’ve not got what it takes.