The heat is not letting up in the UK, and we’re completely fed up with it. Last weekend we managed to take advantage of a cooler Sunday morning, but today we were out of the house until lunchtime and when we did get to bed – even with a fan blasting us from about two feet away we weren’t exactly ‘feeling it’…
As soon as we touch we just make each other ‘hot’ and not in a positive way, so we’re trying to touch each other as little as possible – which is not a great formula for awesome sex, is it? We are so getting air conditioning fitted in our bedroom before next Summer!
Still, after some reluctance on the part of my cock, Mistress did manage to get me hard eventually (I was rock hard this morning when I woke up of course, when it was nice and cool…) and eventually edged me. In fact she ruined an orgasm, albeit I actually wasn’t 100% sure if I had cum or not until I looked down and saw a huge amount of cum dripping down my cock.
Mistress suggested it would make a great Instagram picture. I don’t know why, neither of use Instagram… 
I think what pushed me over the edge was not so much that Mistress was slapping my balls as she was stroking my cock (although that definitely helped), but that she was telling me how much she enjoys slapping them while she was doing it – that was really wonderful to hear, and it felt great too – and she really does seem to be getting much more relaxed and forceful with it. 
Despite the heat, we managed to get Mistress to an orgasm which was extra important because next week is supposed to be even hotter than last week so we probably won’t be feeling all that sexy.
Hopefully wherever you are the weather is treating you better than it is here.