Monday, 30 January 2017

More Ass Worship!

The last few days have been a bit up and down, but tonight was really lovely. Mistress had another orgasm on my tongue and then I worshiped her gorgeous feet for a while. After that I slipped the cock ring on again because I’m still not feeling 100% confident about my cock. I have a lot of numbness in my foot from my operation, which comes and goes, and when it’s like that it tends to affect my cock as well. Oh well, I really do just have to learn to not worry about it, the cock ring did it’s job perfectly and I was very hard very quickly.
Mistress teased me to perfection while I gently touched her asshole and eventually I asked if I could lick her ass again. Mistress said yes and I was very happy to be allowed to worship her gorgeous ass for a short time while Mistress stroked my cock hard. It’s been over thirty days since my last orgasm and I feel pretty good so far… not as desperate as usual given the number of days, but I guess that’s not surprising given the numbness I’m experiencing at the moment. Hopefully it will go as suddenly as it came on.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Feeling a Bit Brighter Today.

Another teasing session tonight, and I wore the cock ring again…but it was great. Mistress made my cock very hard by stroking and verbally teasing me about letting me shoot my load on her gorgeous tits. Well actually there was more to it than that…
Mistress suggested edging me and then giving me a prescribed number of strokes to cum on her tits (and lick them clean of course), but that if I failed then there would be a forfeit. She asked me if that was a game I would like to play, which I obviously said yes to. But in the end Mistress said that maybe I should think about it for a while since she wasn’t going to let me cum today, after all it’s only been 29 days.
I really love when Mistress talks to me when she’s stroking my cock and anything like that really gives me a ‘boost’ so to speak. I had been waiting throughout the session to ask her permission to worship her gorgeous ass, and when Mistress suddenly called a halt to session I decided to ask anyway. Mistress kindly allowed me to lick her sexy little hole, but she didn’t stroke my cock as she usually would, she just kind of held it… which was okay, I love the idea of worshiping Mistress’s ass on demand and without receiving any ‘stimulation’, just for the pleasure of tasting her incredible horny ass.
Tonight has definitely lifted my spirits a bit, and Mistress had a lovely orgasm too. This year’s scores are going to be a disaster, but at least we’re trying. And actually, though Mistress’s total may be way down, my total is even more way down so the ratio of orgasms has probably gone up considerably so that’s one good thing. 🙂

Monday, 23 January 2017

Looking on the Bright Side...

Last night and tonight Mistress has had a really nice orgasm, but last night my cock was totally not playing ball and was really not very hard at all. Annoyingly, on Saturday afternoon I had a little sleep in the afternoon and woke up with the hardest cock you can imagine. I guess I should take heart from that really, but it’s hard to sometimes.
Tonight I wasn’t taking any chances and slipped the rubber cock ring on. Actually for some reason it was a bloody struggle to get it on, and even when it was it didn’t quite feel right. Maybe it’s because I haven’t worn it for so long. In any case, it did it’s job and I was nice and hard, hard enough for Mistress to ride my cock for a while anyway.
I’m sure this little technical difficulty will pass soon enough, but it’s fucking annoying in the meantime. At least there is a work around, and we finished our little teasing session feeling a lot better than we did last night.
Still haven’t written anything, I can tell you’re shocked… but I have got an idea. I’ve got plenty of ideas of course, but ideas don’t get anywhere unless you do something with them! Maybe tomorrow… but probably not.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

A Different Kind of Orgasm...

Mistress had another very hard orgasm tonight, her first of 2017. Afterwards she set about teasing me and I was soon rock hard (very relieved about that, as I wasn’t entirely confident I would be). After some really lovely teasing Mistress brought me to the edge and after I’d warned her I was close she gave me a few more strokes and then slapped my cock a few times, and then my balls once. It felt amazing and I begged her to slap my balls again.
Mistress slapped my balls and cock several times as my cum leaked out, if anything it intensified the ruination as it felt like the pressure was building and building there was no pleasurable spurting, just a large amount of cum leaked onto my stomach. It really did feel incredible, and I wonder now what it would feel like to have my balls slapped while I was having a real orgasm.
Pretty fucking awesome I should imagine!

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year!

The last week has been okay, last night we spent a really great night with our friends at their house. It was a very low key night, very chilled, in fact we almost missed the fireworks on TV. It was kind of an anti-party New Year’s Eve, which was exactly what we needed.
I can’t tell you how glad I am to see the back of 2016, and as soon as we got home I took down the tree and the decorations. Not that 2016 was all bad, because it wasn’t. In fact the first nine months were great, but the last three utterly sucked.
I really don’t get on with the Christmas holidays, not least because it’s like a massive slap in the face. Well you got through another year and you’re still overweight. I think that’s what pisses me off so much, my failure to resolve that one part of my life has these repercussions on other parts.
So this year I am determined to sort myself out, and also to rebuild the Femdom side of our relationship which has slipped from slight to non-existent. First thing I need to do is make sure that I kiss Mistress’s feet every day again, let’s be honest this thing is never going to progress any further if we let it slip back to nothing, so I think that’s very important.
On a more positive note, Mistress has had a couple of HUGE orgasms these last few days, the one on the 27th was particularly impressive, and that made me very happy. Hopefully we can build on that and get back to a better level of ‘service’. This year (Apr-Mar) looks set to be our worst (statistically) since we started the blog, which is not good, but hopefully we can build some momentum in the next three months and start the next Chastity year up and running.
I’m going to be a lot more structured this year, I’ve decided I need to organize myself better and make plans and give myself lists to ensure I remember to do things. For example, I am supposed to do these flexibility exercises for my back, but I always forget. You wouldn’t think I would, especially as I have a bad back so often, but it’s not that I can’t be bothered it’s just that I completely forget I’m supposed to do them.
So tomorrow I will be assembling some lists with targets for things like that, household chores and also things like writing stories. Seeing as I only managed to write one story this year (which is pathetic, given how many ideas I came up with) I am going to be conservative and target four in 2017, after all that’s only one every three months. If I can’t manage that then that’s pretty rubbish.
In other news, we now have a part time cat, who lives over the road but has spent the afternoon with us. It’s quite nice to have a part time cat, without any of the responsibility, at least while we decide if we want another one or not.
Well I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year, and I’m looking forward to a positive and productive 2017.