Sunday, 28 January 2018

FEMDOM SESSION: 28th January 2018

I’m so happy that January is nearly over, I literally cannot wait until Thursday so that we can put it behind us and move on. You may remember my previous whingeing about the shitness of January a few posts back, and for the most part it totally lived up to it. Even when we had a gig to go to, it ended up that the band we wanted to see were sick so they only played four songs, with the guitar player singing because the singer had lost his voice. Still it was only a four hour round trip. That sums up fucking January for me…
But of course, there have been some great moments in January too. Every one of Mistress’s wonderful orgasms have shone like a beacon of light and made the dullest, tedious month since time began bearable. And not only that but today we had our first Femdom session of 2018, which put a considerable shine on things too.
As usual I was quite nervous going into the session, I always am and I probably always will be. Mistress told me to wear my blindfold and cuffs but left the rest to me and while I would have liked to have chosen the ballstretcher, I haven’t woken up hard the last couple of days like I have recently (I seem to have a really low level cold which is annoying me a bit) so I decided to go for the plain rubber cock ring and the old ring-ended butt plug.
Mistress didn’t have too much to punish me for, since I have been very good about not touching my cock this year so far. There was a couple or three mornings I forgot to put her towels out and a few nights where I neglected to kiss her feet before she went to sleep, but thankfully punishment was short and not too painful (certainly a lot nicer than last time).
As ever Mistress soon had me worshiping her feet while she played with her glass dildo, stopping occasionally to have me suck it for her. Although, unusually she had me lick her pussy briefly right at the start of the session, I nearly forgot about that…!
It wasn’t long before Mistress had me on my back and secured to the bed, and I was soon tasting her soaking wet pussy which felt like silk on my tongue. So good! 🙂
Mistress asked me what I thought she might be wearing and I said I hoped she would be wearing her cupless bra top. Mistress said that maybe we should play a little game and that if I guessed right maybe I would get a little reward, but if I got it wrong then I would get more punishment. Then she said that maybe my reward would just be not getting more punishment…
Mistress gave my balls some hard slaps while she was stroking my cock and alternated between punishing my cock and gently sucking on it, she also licked my balls at one point which felt really, really nice I have to say.
The time seemed to fly by and Mistress decided she was going to put the pegs on my nipples extra early for a change. Then she started using the whip on me, which was really cool actually. She used it on my inner thighs and chest and it felt really good, except when she hit the pegs it dislodged them on their springs and the one on my left nipple bit in super hard.
Mistress allowed me to lick her pussy again and also teased me with her gorgeous ass, before leaving me alone for a while. I managed to zone out a bit and ignore the pain in my nipple but I knew it was going to really hurt when she pulled it off.
When Mistress came back she straddled me and fucked herself with her dildo again before having me suck on it again and then removed my blindfold, allowing me to see her for the first time. She looked amazing and she was indeed wearing the cupless bra top. 🙂
Then she put the dildo down and reached out to remove the pegs, she went for the left hand one first and I clenched my teeth and screwed my eyes shut because I knew it was going to hurt more than usual. But Mistress wasn’t having that.
“Look at me.” she said.
I opened my eyes and looked up to see her smiling eagerly in anticipation. She squeezed the peg open and I twisted on the bed as the pain hit. The other one hurt but nothing like as much, and all the time Mistress was smiling down at me, gleefully enjoying my suffering – which made it very hot for me too, of course…
Finally Mistress let me up and told me to remove my cock ring, however, the butt plug stayed in place while I settled between her legs and finally got to lick her gorgeous pussy properly. Mistress was wearing some old-fashioned crotchless pants which slightly hindered access to her ass, but I managed to apply a little pressure there and used another finger to tease her pussy while I licked her super-wet pussy until she had a really hard orgasm.
After this Mistress had me lay down on the bed on my front and she started spanking my ass and fucking my ass with the ring-ended butt plug. Then she told me she was going to fuck me properly and slipped her strap-on on and moved behind me. She had me up on all fours and pushed the strap-on all the way into my ass in one move.
She fucked me for a while, slapping my ass now and again and occasionally stopping to tease my cock (though it was pretty soft at this point). I can’t remember the last time I was fucked properly like this but it was quite a while ago, and though I wanted it to happen it was very intense and I was glad when it was over (but also glad that Mistress had fucked me properly too).
Finally Mistress had me lay on my back again and she allowed me to lick her gorgeous ass while she pumped my cock (which thankfully was nice and hard again). She told me she wasn’t going to let me cum, which I didn’t really expect anyway. It’s only been 28 days and I had a ruined orgasm last week so I would have been surprised if she had let me cum really.
I must admit I did kinda hope she would let me cum on her gorgeous feet though, but not today…

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

BOOK REVIEW: 22's Depravity by Maitresse P

Some of you might remember my… lets say ‘mixed’ feelings about Maitresse P’s book ’22’s Diary’. The book contained some good material, but was fatally hampered by poor presentation, terrible formatting and even repeated tracts of text. As a diary it also suffered from a lack of being organised into ‘entries’ and so it was equally as confusing as it was infuriating to read, which was a shame, because there was some good parts to it…
There was also a couple of other things which seriously got on my nerves, one the retraction of names got so ridiculous that at some parts it was impossible to know who was being spoken about, but the worst thing of all was the substitution of the word ‘always’ when the author used the word ‘just’. And this author used the word ‘just’ all the fucking time.
Imagine this simple passage…
“I’m just off to the shops to buy a packet of crisps and then I just need to grab a paper and nip down the road, it’s just that I need to get some money from the cash machine… I won’t be long just wait here for me…”
“I’m always off to the shops to buy a packet of crisps and then I always need to grab a paper and nip down the road, it’s always that I need to get some money from the cash machine… I won’t be long always wait here for me…”
Imagine that for page after page after page. I can’t believe I actually bothered to stick with it… indeed, I returned it to Amazon once I’d read it because I knew I couldn’t bear to read it again.
So I was rather surprised when the author posted a comment on my blog thanking me for reviewing the book and promising that the follow up was better written, and so here we are… though if it wasn’t for the fact that my credit card gives me Amazon vouchers every month then we probably wouldn’t be to be honest!
So, first impressions aren’t great. Once again the spine and back are plain white, suggesting little care has been taken with the presentation. However, a brief flick though suggests a little more care has been taken with the editing. So that’s good.
Opening the book, I did unfortunately fall straight on something which bugged me in the first book though, but I won’t go into that again (well, maybe later!).

I’ve decided to write this review as I go along. I’ve read about fifty pages now and I have to say, this book is definitely better than the first one. So far there’s been almost no editing errors, no duplicated pages, and the names are present which makes it so much easier to follow what’s supposed to be going on.
Not that it’s all 100% clear, this still reads like random entries in a diary, and sometimes there are bits that appear out of the blue and make no sense regarding the rest of the story. But overall this is a massive improvement, and is a lot more enjoyable to read, which is a relief, because ’22’s Diary’ was the single most annoying book I have ever read in my life!
It’s hard to explain this book, it’s not really something you would read while masturbating. It doesn’t really describe sex like erotic fiction does… it’s more about the dynamic between the husband and wife, which does have an effect on you when you read it but isn’t like one of my stories (for example). There’s a lot of ‘texts’ and ’emails’ between the two and a lot about the ‘angst’ of the husband as 22 pushes him to prove his devotion to her, I guess it would depend a lot on what you’re looking for as to whether this book will appeal. I find it interesting and stimulating rather than overtly arousing. I will read some more and see how things progress.

I’m about half way through the book now and I’ve still only spotted three or four typos, which is not good, but given the state of the first book… it’s a massive improvement. I think at one point someone has used ‘find and replace’ to insert the name Franco instead of Frank, because on one page it says ‘We need to have a Franco discussion’.
But anyway, minor quibbles aside, this book is oddly readable, and almost makes me want to read the first one again – except if I did I know it would annoy the crap out of me. Would you be able to read this one without having read ’22’s Diary’… I guess you could, but it would make a whole lot more sense if you’d read the other one.
The book has taken a left turn somewhere along the way and the dynamic of the relationship between 22 and her husband has changed. She ends up in rehab after disappearing to score heroin and spending a couple of nights in a motel with a dodgy character who steals her car…
So yeah, not exactly jerking material… as I mentioned earlier.
I suppose it’s a testament to the strength of the story though that it remains intriguing and readable despite it’s shortcomings. As the book goes on the way it’s presented becomes less of an issue, but there are still some random ‘diary’ entries which might leave you scratching your head now and again.
But mainly the frustrating side of it is that things are addressed in one email or text and then you kind of expect this to lead to a ‘scene’, but it never does. So you get a kind of ‘we need to talk about ‘x’ tonight’ and then maybe the next entry is an email saying ‘I wasn’t happy with the conversation last night’, but you kind of feel like you’ve been short changed – because you want to know how the conversation went…
I think if Maitresse P can ever truly get her act together, she could write a superb book. But I think it might take more than a couple of goes, this is certainly going in the right direction though, and I’ll keep on reading…

I’m still reading… I realise this is a rather odd way to review a book. I also realise I haven’t really told you much about what’s going on. So to summarise…
There’s a woman (called 22) who is married to a rich guy with a ‘smallish’ dick. He gets off on a certain amount of humiliation and being cuckolded, but also has other women sometimes. 22 is prone to pushing things and has a thing for black thug type guys with big dicks… she’s also prone to drug taking and getting drunk and making generally bad choices. I don’t want to say too much about the book because I don’t want to spoil it (in case somebody wants to read it), it sounds pretty awful from my description but it’s actually surprisingly engaging.
I’ve read some more now and the book is continuing it’s left turn… and is becoming less and less about the sex side and more and more about the trials of 22 and her husband’s relationship, as the two face up to the fact that maybe they would be better off without each other in their lives.
There was also a slightly odd moment when the author kind of broke the fourth wall somewhat. It says something about ‘thanks to all my readers’ and something else that leads me to think this is basically a printed version of someone’s blog…

My enthusiasm is waning somewhat, as the story is becoming a little wearing. I think I see where this is going and the third quarter of the book seems to be the set-up for the finale, but right now it’s a bit tedious…
It’s hard to know who you’re supposed to be rooting for since everyone is pretty unlikeable. Well, clearly you’re supposed to be rooting for ’22’ herself, but that’s kind of hard since although I guess the premise is that she’s the ‘wronged’ woman, she’s not a very sympathetic character.
I guess we’ll see where this goes, but right now I pretty much know this book is getting sold as soon as I finish it.

Still reading… but it’s becoming a slog now. There just isn’t enough actual ‘sex’ in this book. There’s even less than in the first one I think… there’s lots of talk about ‘what happened last night’ and ‘those niggas really tore up my white pussy’ (seriously)… ‘and he’s really hung and I’m so sore today’, but aside from a few very brief passages it’s all kinda ‘off stage’.
In general the editing seems to have maintained it’s quality, although it’s still not as good as it could have been (just add some fucking diary dates to separate the entries or something!) and there is a peculiar thing that starts occurring about half way through the book. I assume something has been accidentally ‘find and replaced’, because there is a repeated ‘odd’ use of the word ‘Tinder’.
It’s almost like a game, see if you can find the one word which actually fits all these sentences.
“I saw Tinder man today.”
“I saw Chad last night… we had Tinder…”
“She threw a cup at me, I mean it was only a Tinder cup, but even so…”
“I met ‘random guy’ for Tinder.”
At first I thought ‘Tinder’ was some colloquial term for ‘sex’, but I thought that a little strange given the nature of the book and some of the content. The second sentence suggests it means ‘dinner’, but what then is a ‘dinner cup’ and why is her friend called ‘Dinner man’, it doesn’t really make any sense.
And even less sense when later in the book 22 discovers actual ‘Tinder’… so what the fuck was she talking about before?

So I slogged through the last twenty pages or so and right at the end of the book, the very last few pages – we finally get something approaching a sex scene. The one thing this book needed, but it’s too little too late. If scenes like this had been peppered throughout the book it would have lifted it significantly, but alas no. I had to wade through 300 pages instead. Actually I don’t know how many pages there are in this book because it hasn’t got any fucking page numbers, why would it? FFS.

This book is frustrating, despite being an improvement on the first it’s still severely lacking in ‘content’ and still leaves far too much to the imagination. At one point the husband is told to get three golf balls, a new toothbrush and some mouthwash – presumably these form the basis of some perverse sex act – but we never find out what that is, because fuck you reader, you don’t need to know!

Sunday, 21 January 2018

NEW TEASE: House of Edging - The Dark Rooms

Where indeed have I been… the last three weeks I have been working extensively on my latest and largest (and probably last for a while) webtease. It contains over 1100 pages and I can’t see anyone completing it in less than 2-3 hours minimum. As for trying to complete it without a map – forget it, which is why this is so important.

You can find HOUSE OF EDGING: The Dark Rooms HERE
And hopefully now this time sapping project is out of the way I will be able to focus on other things for a while, like writing for instance, and posting on this blog…

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Dirty Dreams (written December 2017)

Martin slowly opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of the clock on the bedside table. A momentary panic quickly subsided when he remembered it was Sunday and he closed his eyes and pulled the duvet up around his neck. As he lay there, drifting in and out of consciousness, he became aware of his morning wood throbbing hard and allowed his hand to drift down and close around his shaft.

His wife Karen stirred next to him and he quickly released his cock and rolled over onto his back, his meat pushing upwards against the covers. Karen rolled towards him and nestled herself into his armpit. Her hand gently brushed across his chest and teasingly moved down over his stomach and finally found his aching cock.

“Mmm, that’s nice…” said Karen as she felt the hot, hard flesh pulsing in her hand. “How many days has it been since I allowed you to cum?”

“Fifty two Mistress.” Murmured her husband, as he struggled to resist thrusting his cock into her tightening fist.

“Oh… you’re not suffering too much yet then, you’ve gone a lot longer than that before.”

Karen gave Martin’s cock a few pumps before loosening her hold and sliding her hands down to caress his heavy balls.

“I love how big and full they feel when I keep you denied.”

Karen tightened her fist around her husband’s balls until she heard him wince slightly and felt his cock buck.

“I had another dirty dream last night… do you want me to tell you about it?”

“Mmm, yes please Mistress… I love hearing about your dreams.” Breathed Martin.

Karen took hold of his cock again and started slowly stroking it.

“But remember, no cumming without permission… if you get close you need to tell me.”

“I will Mistress.”

“Okay, well… it was similar to the last one, except this time you were lying on the floor on your back. I was on top of you, pinning you down with my legs over your arms and my pussy right over your face. You were licking my clit while I was sucking these two guys… both of them had big cocks, like 9” or more, and thick too. You couldn’t really see much because I was on top of you but I’m sure you could hear the sounds of me sucking on their meat and moaning as you licked me closer and closer to orgasm.”

Karen paused a few moments and dipped her head under the covers to suck her husband’s cock for a few seconds. He was hard as a rock and clearly ready to pop any time, but she knew he was skilled at holding back and that he wouldn’t risk cumming without permission.

“I felt one of your arms get loose and move down your body and then I felt your thumb pressing against my asshole. I started pressing against it, trying to force it inside me and at the same time grinding my pussy against your tongue and chin. I felt your thumb slide inside and within a few seconds I had a massive orgasm right on your tongue.”

Martin let out a little groan, and felt his wife’s hand move a little quicker on his throbbing stalk.

“Don’t forget the rules slave… you don’t get to cum without permission.”

“No Mistress… I won’t.”

“Good… so as I came I leant back onto my arms and the two guys started beating their cocks really hard and fast. I looked up at them and begged them to cum on me, to spurt all over my gorgeous tits, and they did… First one, then the other, they pumped hard and fast until the spunk flew out of them and splattered right across my soft, sexy tits. They were absolutely covered in it, and some was dripping off of me and onto your face, and some was just dripping down my front in between my tits.”

Karen sensed her husband getting a little too close and eased off on her strokes.

“Then I reached up and rubbed my fingers in it, swirling it around and coating my tits in the mess. I know how much you love to see my tits dripping with cum, it’s so fucking hot isn’t it?”

“Yes Mistress…”

Karen squeezed a little harder again, satisfied that her husband was far enough from the edge to continue.

“And then I slid my hands down my body and rubbed their cum all over my pussy and then pushed my fingers into your mouth. You sucked them clean and then I sank my pussy down onto your face and you eagerly cleaned that too… the little fucking cumslut that you are! I even scooped the cum off of your face and fed you that too, and all the time your cock was throbbing and aching, just like it is right now, desperate to shoot for me. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes Mistress…”

“You really want to cum don’t you?”

“Yes Mistress…”

“Is that because you want the pleasure of an orgasm or is it because you crave the taste of your own cum?”

Martin paused for a second before he could answer.

“Both, Mistress.”

Karen chuckled to herself.

“Even though you know there’s no way I’m going to let you have a proper orgasm after fifty two days slave? No, I think you want to taste it… that’s what I think you want. That’s what I think you need to sate your thirst...”

Martin groaned in frustration.

“You’re such a cumslut slave, what are you?”

“A cumslut Mistress.”

“You know… if I ever get bored with denying you, I’ll still expect you to eat every drop of your spunk. Can you imagine what it would be like to go back to cumming three or four times a week and having to lick up and swallow all that cum every single time? You’d love that wouldn’t you… your cock is throbbing at the thought of that, isn’t it?”

“Yes Mistress…”

“Yes Mistress… maybe I should get you to a hundred days and really fill those balls up, and then ruin you every night for a week and make you swallow every drop. You’d love to do that for me wouldn’t you slave?”

“Yes Mistress, for you…”

“And what if I made it so that every night you had to jerk yourself right to the edge and then ruin yourself onto a plate and then bend down and lick it clean, what about that?”

“I’d much rather you did it, and lick it off your gorgeous body Mistress…” Martin whispered.

“I know you would,” Karen retorted. “But it doesn’t matter what you want does it, because this cock, these balls and the hot, sticky cum inside them all belong to me don’t they?”

“Yes Mistress, they all belong to you.”

“Which means, whatever I say goes… doesn’t it?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Are you getting close slave?”

“Yes Mistress.”

Karen stroked harder and faster and bent closer to kiss her husband, then kept her face close to his as she whispered.

“I love my dreams slave, but I think you like them even more than I do… tell me when.”

Martin held back as long as he could, desperate to enjoy every single stroke, but eventually he had to concede defeat.

“I’m close Mistress!”

Karen stroked his cock three more times and let go, her hand falling down between his legs and resting for a moment before pulling back and slapping his balls three or four times, but to no avail.

“So close, huh… maybe just a few more strokes.”

Karen gripped Martin’s cock lightly and started a fast stroking motion, barely applying any pressure but easing him back to the edge all the same.

“Oh God please Mistress…. please, I need to cum.”

Karen laughed.

“Rubbish, you don’t ‘need’ to cum at all, you ‘want’ to cum, but you don’t ‘need’ to… what you ‘need’ is to taste that hot, creamy cum on your tongue, so give it to me!”

“I’m close Mistress.”

Karen continued to stroke a few more times and then let go once more, watching closely as Martin’s cock pulsed and throbbed angrily before leaking a bead of creamy white cum. A second passed and then a steady stream of thick white spunk trailed from the eye of his cock and formed a puddle at the base.

“Oh yes, that’s good… that’s really good. I like that.”

Martin looked down and groaned in absolute frustration, and then watched as his wife and Mistress bent forward and carefully sucked the puddle of cum into her mouth. She moved up his body and pressed her lips against his, slowly releasing the load of hot, sticky cum from between her lips and letting it drip into his eager mouth.

Their tongues meshed, extra slippery with the coating of cum they both shared and then Martin waited for the order he knew to expect.

“Show me slave, show me what a cumslut you are.”

Martin opened his mouth to show he hadn’t immediately swallowed the load of cum and Karen spat the last remaining drops from her mouth to his.

“Good slave, now you may swallow.”

Martin swallowed and felt the warm sticky cream pass down his throat.

“Thank you Mistress.”

Karen smiled and kissed him again, then grabbed his hand and pushed his fingers down between her thighs and into her soaking wet cunt.

“I so need to cum now, that was fucking HOT!”

Monday, 1 January 2018

Happy New Year!

Well, it’s day ‘one’ in more ways than one… because a few hours ago, Mistress finally allowed me to cum, bringing an end to 74 days of waiting. Firstly of course, I licked Mistress’s beautiful pussy with my tongue and made her cum, and then she started to tease my cock.
It was a little slow starting, the effects of the last week of bad eating no doubt, but once it woke up it got hard in no time at all and to my surprise Mistress made straight to ride me. It felt incredible being inside her, but I wasn’t struggling to stay in control – which was nice (and a bit surprising). I rather naughtily reached up and sneakily peeled one side of her bra down but only got a brief flash of nipple before she slapped my hand away and then put the bra back where it was.
After she rode me for a while longer however, she relented and allowed me to look at and touch her gorgeous breasts, which was awesome… and certainly made it harder for me not to edge. 🙂
I really thought Mistress was going to let me cum, and when I eventually told her I was close I fully expected her to bear down hard on me and tell me to fill her pussy with my cum. But instead she lifted off, and sat beside me on the bed, gently stroking my cock.
I told her that I really thought she was going to let me cum and she asked me if I wanted to. I said that I didn’t know, as always I want it to be her decision. She pondered a few moments and then asked if I wanted to put my cock back inside her. I said I did and expected her to mount me again, but instead she lay back and I realised she wanted me to go on top.
I moved between her legs and guided my hard cock inside her, kissing her beautiful feet as I started to slide in and out of her silky, wet hole. She looked up at me and said “I want you to fuck me until you cum,” and I pushed her legs up to her chest and slammed my cock inside her.
As you can imagine, after waiting 74 days it wasn’t going to last hours… and fairly soon I was getting to the edge. I asked her again if she really wanted me to cum inside her and she said ‘yes’ and I pushed on, reaching and tipping over the edge and erupting inside her.
It felt amazing and after a few moments of recovery time, Mistress looked up at me and said ‘You’ve got some cleaning up to do.’
I really loved hearing that and I eagerly slid down between her legs and gently licked her pussy clean. I actually forgot to mention that she fed me my cum on her fingers the other day when I had my accidental ruin, but I was more than ready to taste some more. 🙂
Well, what a great way to finish out a year. It will certainly make it easy to keep track of my first chastity period of 2018. I hope it’s a long one, maybe another record???