Saturday, 7 December 2024

'Gareth's Obsession' is now Officially Rated HOT!

It took a little while but I'm pleased to report that 'Gareth's Obsession' has now achieved the 4.5/5 rating necessary for it to be labelled 'HOT' on Literotica. That means I now have 13 'HOT' stories on there*, plus another 9 that are very close to that (at least 4.41). Thanks to everyone who voted for my story, and like I said before it shouldn't be too long before I have more to post. I actually found another pretty complete story in my desktop folder, so as soon as I get time I will finish those two up and get them posted.

*Actually I have another seventeen stories rated HOT on my old Malibuman666 account that I forgot about! 

In other news, you may remember in my last post I mentioned that Mistress had given me one of her special vouchers back in October that allowed me to 'ask permission' to orgasm in December and how it never occurred to me to use it when I was horny and desperate in the middle of the night on the morning of December the 1st! Well, that voucher has now been used...

Last night Mistress had a lovely orgasm on my tongue, but I wasn't feeling that great so we just cuddled afterwards. But this morning I woke up hard and when Mistress started stroking my cock it crossed my mind again. I was kind of undecided actually, and certainly not as desperate as I was last weekend, but after Mistress edged me and then gave my balls half a dozen really heavy slaps (which felt fucking INCREDIBLE) I soon started to reassess! 

And when Mistress started teasing my throbbing cock a second time I decided to strike while the iron was hot, or indeed while the cock was hard and requested permission to cum. Mistress asked me repeatedly if I was sure, and reminded me that I only get to use it once. I told her I was sure and she stroked my cock with her nails while she 'thought it over' for a minute.... then she told me to ask her nicely and then she told me okay, she would let me cum.

Again it was pretty intense, and Mistress wiped the cum from her hand on her left breast before allowing me to lick it clean. Then she had me clean her fingers. It was hot, but still a surprisingly small amount really (I later realised there was a pool of it on my stomach that Mistress probably couldn't see in the pathetically dim light of our pitiful bedside lamps, haha).

Also following my last post Mistress and I decided that we need to revisit our 'Chastity Contract' in the near future and try to make sure both of us are happy with the way things are going. Hopefully that will be done soon. I didn't want to rush into it and I have quite a few thoughts on it, but it's quite involved really and I want to get my thoughts down before we do that. I don't want to get into it too much now, but 'cageless' chastity is certainly a lot more complicated than 'caged' chastity (in my opinion)!

Finally this time, I'm happy to say that I have now lost 42lbs in weight since July (that's exactly 3 Stones in English!), which is great. I'm nearly as light as I have been at any time in the last fifteen years, although there's still plenty to lose. Maybe as much as the same again, which is a depressing thought... but at least it's going the right way. 

I still don't feel much different, honestly. I'm not miraculously charged with energy like you would perhaps think, but it is nice to be able to wear clothes that are somewhat normal sizes rather than trying to find 40" waist jeans to buy. Annoyingly I had a cupboard full of jeans, about seven pairs of 38", and when I tried them on they were all too big save for two pairs of 36" which fitted for about a week and then they started to feel baggy too. I've bought two new pairs of 36" which are better, but even those aren't really as tight as I'd like them to be, but I don't think I'm ready for 34's yet.

Of course, we now have Christmas on the horizon, which is a little worrying. But I feel like I am on top of it. There's no way I am going to put on a lot of weight over Christmas and I will be going to my slimming club on both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve to make sure I don't put myself back so much that I get annoyed. I also plan to stick to the diet right up until Christmas Eve evening. This will be hard, of course, but I'd really like to be able to enjoy Christmas itself without worrying about it too much and the best way to do that is to keep on the straight and narrow as long as possible.

After Christmas I will be decorating Mistress R's office, so that should keep me off my backside and away from the chocolates. I'm actually quite pleased about that as I find the Christmas holidays a little boring if I don't have anything to do, especially if the weather is bad and you are basically stuck at home for 10 days straight.

You know, it's funny... I find it odd when people say 'You must be proud of yourself' for losing loads of weight. Well, yes I guess... but not really, because I should never have let myself get so fat in the first place. I mean it's backwards isn't it? People who don't let themselves get fat are the ones who should be proud of themselves. Right?

But whatever. Something had to change and it has, and that's got to be a good thing. And apparently I've stopped snoring, so that's definitely a positive for Mistress R! 🤣


  1. Wow, congrats on the weight loss RA, that's quite the achievement. Oh, and congrats too on the HOT ratings and the orgasm. You are on a roll!


    1. Thanks Poppet, just gotta keep it going well into next year!
