Friday, 31 October 2014

Back on Top and Teetering on the Brink...

Tonight was unexpectedly awesome, I have to say! After Mistress cumming on my tongue for the third time in four days, she quickly had me hard as we kissed… but then, just as I thought she was going to move down the bed and start teasing my cock with her mouth, instead she lay down and told me she wanted me inside her.

Oh lord, this was going to be tough. I moved between her legs and Mistress reached down and guided my cock inside her. It felt so good, but after the initial penetration I wanted more freedom of movement, so I lifted Mistress’s legs up and kissed her beautiful feet as I slid my cock in and out. I couldn’t resist the temptation to speed up a bit and to fuck my Mistress deeper, and of course this only made it harder for me, and fairly soon I was starting to have to concentrate on not cumming.

I really didn’t want to tell Mistress that I was close, because I really didn’t want her to tell me to pull out or stop, so I gradually slowed right down and tried to calm myself down. Mistress still seemed to be really enjoying it being fucked really slowly, and I was still enjoying it too, but at the same time I really couldn’t enjoy it too much or it would have been a major problem!

As ever I was fighting off cramp a bit too, which didn’t help (such a pain in the arse whenever I’m on my knees like that now), but nonetheless after a while we moved back to a more conventional ‘missionary’ position and it seemed a lot easier for me to grind my cock into Mistress’s pussy without overstimulating myself. Mistress definitely seemed to like that too.

When you really don’t get to go on top very often you really appreciate it in a way that you simply wouldn’t if you had a ‘normal’ sex life. On the face of it the desire to repeat this very hot, very intense scenario is very strong, but the one of  the reasons it was so hot and intense was at least in part because it’s a rare treat for me to be allowed on top. And I accept that.

It did feel absolutely amazing though, and I cannot believe my level of control… I truly impressed myself! 🙂 Even if it was a bit touch and go at times! Even as I was concentrating on not cumming I was imagining staying very still and effectively ruining my orgasm inside Mistress R, just as Mistress Marie has her slave do quite often (she assures me it’s totally possible!). But that would have required permission from Mistress R in any case (which I didn’t have) and in the heat of the moment I am sure it would have been most likely that Mistress would have either told me to fuck her hard and cum or she would have told me to pull out completely, neither of which I really wanted to do (although the first wouldn’t have been so bad…).

Inevitably of course, since I had got myself under control, it fell to Mistress R to call a halt when she had enjoyed my cock for as long as she wanted it, and as soon as I pulled out of her she ordered me to lie on my back. She grabbed my cock and jerked it for a few seconds, then pushed her fingers in my mouth, telling me to clean the pussy juice off of them. Then she knelt up beside me and had me lick her pussy for a few seconds before she started teasing and slapping my cock again.

As we kissed, I begged her to sit on my face so I could enjoy her pussy properly again, she agreed, but told me that after that the session would be over. My cock was throbbing as I explored her delicious pussy for the last time, and left me wondering (despite what I wrote earlier) when I will get to feel that amazing feeling of being in control again. It’s hard not to want to do that again soon, and harder still knowing it’s not up to me to decide…but still, I’m sure when Mistress does want me inside her again I’m sure it will be worth whatever wait she decides.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

And Here We Go Again With the 'Is Chastity Bad for Your Health' Debate...

Browsing the comments on Literotica for part one of my ‘Once a Month’ story, I noticed a message warning of the dangers of the chastity lifestyle. It was nothing new, this crops up again and again, but I hadn’t seen it for a while. Then on the radio yesterday I heard a report about some ‘research’ that claimed men who had 20 sex partners were less likely to develop prostate cancer than those with less.
Now obviously that’s utter bollocks (and you might expect better from the BBC). There is no logical explanation why a man having 20 sex partners should make any difference to his prostate. The assumption of course is that a man who has twenty sex partners will be having lots of sex and ejaculate more frequently. Well, not if it’s 20 one night stands he won’t, for a start.
I’m-Hers probably heard something similar as he has written a short piece on his BLOGtoday too.
But he obviously heard a more in depth analysis as he has written about a further study of gay men which proves exactly the opposite, if gay men have more than 20 partners they have twice the odds of developing prostate cancer… so that’s all very helpful then!

So brushing over that nonsense, lets assume that the ‘science’ behind this is to do with toxins remaining in the body longer than ‘normal’. So why should the number of partners make any difference? Surely someone then who has just one partner but has a very vigorous sex life, or perhaps who just masturbates an awful lot would be in just as beneficial a position?

The truth is statistics can be made to say whatever the person writing them wants them to say. And talk of percentages is pretty meaningless anyway. ‘Doubling your chances of developing cancer’ doesn’t mean anything without perspective. If it’s doubling it from a 1/100,000 to 1/50,000 chance then that’s a whole lot different than doubling it from a 1/1000 to a 1/500 chance, isn’t it? 

The truth is there really hasn’t been any chastity specific studies into prostate health and since it’s hardly the top priority for the majority of the population there’s unlikely to be any anytime soon.
That alongside the extremely inconclusive findings of the studies that have been made mean that it’s really up to us to decide if we want to take the risk or not. After all, what we eat, drink and smoke all affect our health, as do any drugs we might take. It’s probably far more risky to have sex without a condom or to drive a car than it is to refrain from cumming.
We know that the food we eat affects the production of cum, because it tastes different when you eat fruit etc. So maybe there is some food which creates some toxin or other which affects the prostate? It’s probably unlikely, but we don’t actually know that that isn’t the case. Maybe all this oily fish we are supposed to eat indirectly causes prostate cancer and we just haven’t discovered it yet. Who knows.

My view, at least until there’s more conclusive evidence one way or another, is that it’s worth the risk. And of course, if it is proven to be all about clearing out the balls more often, there’s no reason we need to give up chastity, we just need to start having lots more ruined orgasms, and I don’t see that being a problem.
I’m still kind of confused about why gay men having more partners makes them more likely to develop prostate cancer though…? And who knows what other common threads there may be amongst people who have large numbers of sexual partners, maybe they socialize more and all drink a lot? Maybe that’s a good thing after all?
I realise this isn’t a subject for flippancy, believe me, but until there’s some actual proof one way or another I really don’t think it’s worth worrying too much about it.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

So Fucking Good!

There are times when I question my choices, times when things aren’t gelling well, and then there are times when I know taking our marriage down this path was the best move I ever made. Tonight was very much in the latter category, much like last night actually.

I started out kissing Mistress’s beautiful feet before slowly working my way up her grapefruit scented legs to her delicious, inviting pussy. Mistress smelled and tasted wonderful as always and by the time I settled between her thighs my cock was throbbing hard (Mistress had been teasing it with her foot previously).

I was a little nervous that tonight might not quite live up to last night, as Mistress had a very hard orgasm last night, not unusual after a few days without. But I needn’t have worried, she seemed very satisfied indeed, which made me very happy.

Like last night, Mistress wasted little time in getting me hard, and so the teasing, slapping, sucking, biting started again. Several times I got close to the edge, but every time I was about to warn her, Mistress seemed to instinctively know when to slow down, it was uncanny…

Like last night Mistress seemed to be enjoying herself a lot teasing me, and the more she got into it the rougher she was with my cock and balls, and I absolutely fucking loved it! I was so hard by the end it was crazy, and as we kissed and she squeezed my cock and balls for what seemed like the last few times I begged to be allowed to worship her gorgeous asshole.

Mistress straddled my head, facing away and lowered her ass onto my face, giving me a perfect view of where I was so desperate to push my tongue. She grabbed my cock again and I sank my tongue into her delicious, sexy ass, it was absolute bliss! Mistress lifted off and I thanked her thinking that was my lot, but Mistress sank down one more time and I pushed my tongue even deeper into her ass as she jerked my cock again. 


Neeedless to say, Mistress didn’t let me cum, and we finished the session holding each other tightly, my cock rubbing and throbbing against her thigh while I kissed her lovely breasts. It was fantastic, to say the very least and I really, really loved how much she was into teasing me, and how rough she was getting with my balls. I wouldn’t want that from the start, but the more turned on you are the better it is…. so fucking good!!!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Amazing Teasing and a Lovely Orgasm for Mistress R...

Mistress and I have had a busy weekend (as I think I mentioned) and so we’d rather fallen behind with our quest for more orgasms for Mistress R, before tonight Mistress had only had three so far this month and that really isn’t cutting the mustard!

But we made up for it tonight, Mistress had a wonderful orgasm on my tongue round about 8:30, after which she started teasing me something rotten. Right at the start Mistress asked me how many days it had been since I’d been allowed to cum and she was rather surprised when I said it had been thirty days.

It does seem to have come around quite quick, and I can tell you when I woke up this morning I could tell that it was getting up there, but I was good and I didn’t touch my cock. Mistress did more than touch it, she stroked it, bit it, sucked it, slapped it… at one point she was slapping me quickly, giving me three or four slaps to the cock and then one to the balls, several times (I really liked that) then she just slapped my balls four or five times in a row (I really liked that too!), I’d love her to get me really close and then do that over and over until I came (one way or another, ruined or not). That would be so awesome!

But no, instead, just when I was getting close-ish, Mistress decided she wanted to ride my cock! It wasn’t easy, but I managed to hold back… even as I reached up and squeezed Mistress’s gorgeous breasts through her sexy black bra. That’s control, I can tell you! But as much as I wanted to beg Mistress to take her bra off and let me see her riding me totally naked, I knew it would push me over the edge, so I bit my lip and closed my eyes instead.

Mistress was really enjoying herself riding me, and it was so hot when she bent down and kissed me as she slid up and down my aching cock. Oh it’s a tough life being a sub! 🙂 I really didn’t know how much more I was going to be able to take and I kind of thought Mistress might be thinking about letting me cum inside her, but then she lifted off and straddled my face, allowing me to lick her delicious pussy again, while my cock throbbed in mid-air.

Instead of sliding back down onto my cock, Mistress then knelt beside me and started really pumping my cock, actually this might have been when all the really good ball slapping started (it’s a little hazy), and I really thought Mistress was going to either let me cum or ruin another orgasm. But as soon as I said that I was getting close, Mistress slowed right down and just teased me with her fingertips, telling me ‘We don’t want that do we’.

Mistress allowed me a few seconds to ease back from the edge, then gave my cock and balls some very firm tugs and squeezes, I love how much more confident she is getting about slapping and squeezing my balls, it’s so fucking hot! Eventually Mistress called time and we held each other tight, kissing passionately as my poor cock throbbed against Mistress’s stomach. Then I begged to be allowed to lick Mistress’s pussy again and she lay on her back and opened her silky thighs as I slid down the bed to taste her again. Mistress was still really, really wet and she tasted absolutely gorgeous. I would have loved to have licked her to orgasm all over again…sigh. Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Commenting on the Comments...

A couple of comments left on my blog in the last 24hrs (thank you) which I thought I would highlight and comment on myself. The first was this…
I can relate to a great female orgasm from my tongue. Last session before her period, I gave her a great orgasm and she has bragged about it a couple of times since then. Makes me feel so powerful when this happens! My only complaint is that she will not kiss me afterwards! I would love to rim her, but she doesn’t seem keen on that… yet.

I’m intrigued to know whether she bragged about it to you or to someone else, but either way… nice job! One great thing about chastity is that it doesn’t take long for it to click that only one of you is having orgasms and so you are both working towards a common goal…her pleasure! For the guy, at least for me and lovetosubmit, it is so spectacularly rewarding to feel your Mistress cum really hard. It is a truly wonderful feeling, better than any orgasm for me. Incidentally, Mistress has just gone upstairs to bed and when she kissed me goodnight she told me that her orgasm earlier was spectacular. That makes me feel pretty flipping great I can tell you!!! 

I just love it, but it can be difficult for a new Mistress not to feel guilty at first, because she has to get used to having sex in a whole different way than she probably has her whole life, so for those of you who persuade your wife to take the first steps you really need to keep up the reassurances while she adjusts. Make no mistake it can be a long process. 

It’s a shame she doesn’t like to kiss you after you’ve licked her pussy, I love kissing Mistress deeply as she teases my cock after making her cum, I don’t get to kiss her after rimming though…

Rimming can be tricky, I remember the first time I brought it up with Mistress R, as clear as day I remember it and the look of distaste on her face. Strangely, it was one thing that I had done with my previous (sexually ambivalent) girlfriend, so maybe the fact that I was able to tell Mistress that I already knew what it was like and that I liked doing it helped to lay the foundations….I don’t really know. 

Maybe the fact that I had done it with my previous girlfriend acted as a kind of catalyst too, after all new girlfriends/wives maybe don’t like to think that their predecessors did something ‘better’ or maybe Mistress just thought that the fact that I brought it up made her think that I must have enjoyed it and that there was no harm in trying.

To this day I don’t really know how Mistress R feels about me licking her ass, I think she kind of likes it now, but I’m not 100% sure. I hope she does. Out of session I usually have to prompt it, but I don’t know whether that’s because she’s not that bothered or whether she still can’t quite understand why I love it so much, or maybe she just likes to make me beg for it?s 

The point is lovetosubmit, don’t give up, but don’t pester. Tell her how much you would love to be allowed to lick her gorgeous ass every so often and maybe you will persuade her to try it eventually, and maybe when she does she will love it. 

As much as I love licking Mistress R’s beautiful pussy (and I really, really love it) there is something really special about being allowed to tongue her ass. It’s totally submissive, incredibly erotic, kind of naughty, and just… you can’t get any closer to someone than licking their ass can you? It’s totally awesome.

Incidentally, Mistress allowed me to briefly lick her ass tonight, but only for about 10-15 seconds. My cock was rock hard by the time she finished teasing me tonight, I can tell you!

The other comment was this one…

Twenty four days teasing and denial.I can’t imagine this. 7 days without sex is TOO long for me. Although, we are not in flr, and 7 days it’s a lot. I have a qestion: when i don’t cum for 3-5 days, i can’t last long. And i think nobody can. If your mistress want long sex, how you resolve the problem?

This is an issue that has caused me untold (but seemingly unnecessary) worry over the last few years, and is (I suspect) a pitfall that many chastity males fall into. In my particular case this deserves some explanation, so…

One of the things which attracted me to the chastity lifestyle was an article I read in which an older gentleman said that chastity helped him adapt to the rigours of old age, and helped him continue his physical relationship with his wife as his cock got less reliable. 

Now, a few years ago I was having some very stressful ED issues, and once you get into that it’s really hard to get out of. The stress of not knowing if you will be able to get hard or stay hard just defeats you over and over, because you can’t help thinking about it and even though there may not be a physical reason for it, the minute you start worrying about it you are toast. However, since we started full time chastity you could count on the fingers of one, maybe two hands the number of times I’ve been unable to get hard. 

Bearing that in mind, when I brought up the subject of full time chastity (which was not easy in the slightest and Mistress R was initially not a happy bunny I can assure you…) she decided to insist that if I really wanted her to be in control then she was going to make some rules of her own. Now I don’t think for a minute that Mistress thought that we would still be doing this three and half years later, she probably didn’t think I’d stick it for more than a month or two, but she made two rules which are still in force now.

1) I am not allowed to ask to be allowed to cum.
2) I am not allowed to instigate penetrative sex.

I don’t really know why she initiated rule number one, I’m guessing it was to make it easier for her to get used to the idea without having to deal with guilt from me begging to be allowed to cum. But number two, I’m sure, stemmed from the awful times we had when I couldn’t get or stay hard. I think she thought that by taking that on herself she could decide if she thought I was hard enough to have penetrative sex.

Funnily enough since I have been in chastity that hasn’t really been a problem… but what has happened in the past is that I’ve worried myself in circles about why (now that ED is not an issue anymore) Mistress doesn’t seemingly want penetrative sex as often as I thought she would. And that’s a bit of a blow to the ego for a guy… you know! 

I still sometimes worry that in the future this will come back to bite me in the ass and she will say something like ‘I went along with the whole chastity thing because it was what you wanted’ etc etc… But in all honesty, I’ve asked plenty of times if she’s happy with the way things are, whether she wants to go back to a normal vanilla sex life, I really can’t do any more. She is in control of our sex life at the end of the day, if she’s not happy with it she is the one who needs to change it, or needs to tell me that she’s not happy so that we can change it together. With my situation, I have to believe that things are the way she wants them to be and that includes penetrative sex (or the lack thereof).

Mistress does let me inside her sometimes, mostly with her on top, which is great for me because I find it quite easy not to lose control being ridden. Sometimes she does allow me on top, though not that often, and usually because she wants me to cum hard inside her. You are right, when in chastity for any length of time it is not easy to fuck hard and fast for very long, not easy at all, especially if your Mistress’s asshole is in plain view as you are sliding into her….  !

So the truth is I don’t really have an answer as to how we overcome this. Mistress seemingly much prefers oral sex, and this in itself can take between 15-30 minutes for her to cum. Fortunately I love licking her pussy, so we are both very content. I can’t deny that there are times when I really miss being the one on top, slamming my cock into her as hard and fast as I can, but on balance what I have gained far outweighs what I have lost. 

Now that I have accepted that Mistress doesn’t feel like she is missing out (on long lasting penetrative sex) as she has told me many times, it has changed my perspective a bit. Yes there is still the odd time when I wish I could pin Mistress’s legs back to her chest and fuck her hard, until I fill her full of cum… but really when you enter into a situation like this, you come to accept that you have given up that control and ability to lead and make choices. 

It’s kind of hard to explain… but as time goes on you realise how much more rewarding sex is with someone when you know that they are comfortable with everything that is happening and when it is happening. When Mistress allows me inside her then I know she really wants me to be inside her, when she allows me to cum I know she really wants me to cum and so on. 

I know most people who read my blog are already on-board with the whole chastity thing, but I really can’t emphasise enough that our sex life in the past 3.5 years has been better than at any point in our 22 year relationship.  I wouldn’t even swap it for the first flush of all night fucking, cumming three or four times and going to sleep at four in the morning. Yes that was great, but it wasn’t as good as this is now. Not really.