“Are you gonna be in tonight?” Maddy asked her flatmate as she came into the room.
“Yeah, I’m not going anywhere,” replied Cora, not looking up from her phone.
“Oh that’s great. Ray’s picking me up at 7 but my brother is supposed to be picking up this parcel for my Mum… he’s coming about 8, is that okay?”
“Yeah, sure….”
“Thanks, I’m just gonna jump in the shower and get ready… I’m so behind. ”
Maddy and Cora had been flatmates for a little over two years, since they met at college. They got along pretty well, perhaps because they lived fairly separate lives and didn’t impose too much on each other’s space.
Cora watched her friend close the bathroom door and then headed into her bedroom. This could be a fun evening she thought; Maddy’s brother Aiden was a cute kid and clearly nervous around her… he had followed her around like a puppy at Maddy’s 21st birthday party; perhaps she could make him her latest plaything or at the very least give him something to jerk off over when he got home.
She stripped out of her black jeans and T-shirt and stood in front of her closet, her eyes flicking around its contents until she spied what she wanted.
“There it is,” she said, leaning forward to retrieve her shortest PVC miniskirt. She quickly stepped into it and then pulled on a pair of fishnet stockings, she remembered Aiden had seen her wearing them once before and he looked like he was ready to cum in his pants.
“Which top?” she mused, flicking along the rail. “Maybe something like…. this!”
Cora plucked the black, skintight top from its hanger and slid it over her head. She looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection. What she lacked in curves she made up for in height; at 5’11 she cut an imposing figure, her long slender legs being her best feature. She leaned close to the mirror and completed her look by applying a thick black eye liner and releasing her long mane of dyed black hair from its ponytail.
“Perfect,” she mused. “Well, almost…”
Cora pulled her panties down her long, sexy legs, stepped out of them, then climbed onto her bed and laid back against her pillows. She reached over to the nightstand and retrieved her trusty vibrator, twisting the base to fire it up and gently playing it around her pussy lips before moving up to tease her clit.
“Mmmmm….so good.”
She heard the shower go off and then waited until she heard Maddy go back into her room before she started using the vibrator in earnest. It didn’t take long and soon she was clamping her thighs together as her climax coursed through her body. She turned the vibrator off and placed it back on the nightstand, then relaxed on the bed until she heard Maddy call out that she was leaving.
Once she heard the door slam shut, Cora got up off the bed and went into the lounge to wait for her visitor to arrive.
Just after eight she heard the knock and made her way to the front door to open it.
“Hi,” she said, immediately turning away and walking back into the flat, leaving Aiden little choice but to follow her.
His eyes travelled the length of Cora’s legs and he licked his lips before crossing the threshold and shutting the door behind him. He turned and walked through the hallway to the lounge and found Cora already sitting on the sofa against the back wall.
“Umm, hi Cora…. Is Maddy home?”
“No, she went out with Ray.”
“Oh… okay, is she coming back soon?”
“I don’t think so. You can stay if you want though… unless you have something better to do?”
Aiden swallowed hard, he’d never been alone with Cora before but he’d spent plenty of time alone in his thoughts with her.
“O…. okay.”
“Why don’t you sit down?”
Aiden took a seat in the chair opposite, desperately trying to keep his eyes from drifting to her stocking clad legs.
“You like my stockings?” the girl asked, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.
“Er… yeah,” he mumbled.
“I thought so, I remember when you were here before you couldn’t stop looking at my legs could you?”
“Oh…. I don’t remember,” Aiden lied unconvincingly.
Cora smirked a little.
“That’s okay. I remember, that’s why I put them on tonight.”
Aiden stared blankly at here, not sure how he was supposed to react to this information. He suddenly realised how hard he was and shifted his weight to try and hide the large bulge in his jeans.
“Are you okay?” Cora asked innocently.
“What, oh… yeah.”
Aiden couldn’t believe what was going on, but he felt extremely nervous and overawed around Cora. Part of him wanted to run away, but just being near her was intoxicating.
Cora shifted her legs, hoping that Aiden might just catch a glimpse of her naked pussy.
“So, Aiden, what are you into?” Cora asked with a mischievous smile
“Ummm… oh, you know… skateboarding, gaming.”
Cora chuckled to herself at his innocence.
“No I mean, what are you into…”
Aiden looked blankly back at her.
“Only… Maddy told me she thinks you’re a little bit kinky.”
Aiden face drained of colour in a second.
“She said what?”
Cora laughed.
“Don’t worry… it’s not a bad thing, not in my book anyway...”
Aiden looked down at the floor, he looked like he wanted to disappear into a hole and never come back.
“It’s okay, I’m a little kinky too. Well, more than a little honestly…”
Aiden looked up, just in time to see Cora’s legs parting and a second flash of her slit.
“Fuck…” he said under his breath.
“So I was wondering… do you know what a chastity cage is?”
“Err, well… not really…no.”
“My boyfriend has one. This is the key… see.”
Cora took hold of the key on her necklace and leaned forward so he could see it better.
“What does it do?”
“Well, basically it locks onto his cock and balls, which means he can’t touch his cock unless I let him.”
“Yeah, he can’t jerk off or even get hard without me being there to unlock him.”
“Wow.. that’s crazy.”
“Maybe, but he loves it.”
“But, why… why would he want that?”
“Because it’s fun being told what to do. Just think how horny you would be if you could only jerk off when I told you it was okay.” Cora paused for a second before she continued. “Now think how horny you would be if you physically couldn’t jerk off unless I unlocked you and gave you permission.”
Aiden’s mouth was bone dry and he swallowed again, just thinking about Cora keeping him locked up and controlling his cock was making him feel slightly dizzy.
“You know what I think… I think you should try it sometime. I think you’d really like it.”
Aiden looked away, his heart was beating fast and his cock felt like it might explode at any second.
“I could be your keyholder if you like,” said Cora, twirling her necklace around her fingers.
The words hit Aiden like a ton of bricks.
“I said… I could be your keyholder… if you want me to.”
Aiden looked at her unsure how to react. The thought excited and scared him, but the thought of having any kind of relationship with Cora was too much for him to pass up.
“But… what about your boyfriend? Won’t he mind?”
“Oh, yeah… well. He’s not really so much a boyfriend as… a pet.”
“He’s my ’pet’. He does things for me, nice things… and in return I unlock him and let him cum every so often. I don’t actually have a boyfriend as such… I like to keep my options open.”
Aiden was breathing loudly now.
“Aiden…. would you like to be my pet too?”
“I.. I don’t know.”
Okay, well, how about you kneel down here in front of me and we’ll give you a little test.”
Aiden slowly rose from his chair and took the few steps across the room to where Cora was sitting. She looked even more magnificent close up and the boy slowly sank to his knees as instructed.
Cora leaned forward to kiss him softly on the cheek. As she did she allowed her hand to fall into Aiden’s lap and gently rub his cock through his jeans. The boy groaned, utterly under her spell and almost shaking with nerves.
“I really want you to be my new pet Aiden,” Cora whispered softly into his ear.
After a few seconds more Cora stopped rubbing Aiden’s cock and leant back on the sofa, spreading her legs so that her skirt rode up around her waist. Aiden gasped as he saw the girl’s perfectly shaved pussy and then watched transfixed as Cora slid her hand between her legs. She parted her lips with her middle finger, moaning softly as it sank into her soaking wet hole.
“Do you like what you see?”
“Yes,” groaned Aiden. “It’s beautiful… you’re beautiful.”
“Thank you,” breathed Cora, working her finger deeper into her sodden cunt.
“Do you want to taste it?”
Aiden nodded.
“No Aiden, if you want to taste my pussy you have to ask me… nicely.”
Aiden took a few seconds to get his head straight, then licked his dry lips and asked ‘Please may I taste your beautiful pussy Cora?”
“Goddess Cora,” she corrected him.
“Please may I taste your beautiful pussy, Goddess Cora?”
Cora groaned as her finger found her clit. She played with it for a few seconds as they looked at each other lustfully.
Cora extracted her finger from between her folds and held it out in front of her.
“Suck it clean,” she ordered.
Aiden didn’t need to be asked twice, he leaned forward and his lips closed around the girl’s finger. She tasted delicious and he sucked eagerly even when it was dry, clearly craving more.
“That’s good,” she whispered. “You love it don’t you. I know you’ve been dreaming about this for so long haven’t you, I’ve seen the way you look at me. Maddy told me she found some stuff in your room one time, she didn’t tell me what exactly… but right then I knew we could be ‘friends.”
Cora pressed her finger between her legs again, coating it in her warm, wet juices for a second time before again offering it to her new toy to clean.
Aiden’s tongue flicked all around her digit, before he once again engulfed it with his lips, moaning softly as he felt his cock approaching the edge.
Perhaps sensing this was getting dangerously close to an accident, Cora pulled her finger away and leaned back on the sofa, closing her legs slightly but continuing to tease herself gently.
“I think that’s enough for today. If you want more you need to buy yourself a chastity cage and bring me the key. Do you want to do that?”
Aiden looked drunk with lust, again he nodded in affirmation.
“Don’t rush it though, you need to get used to it first. Don’t bring me the key until you are sure you can stay in it for at least a week because I’m not rushing over at the drop of a hat every time you feel horny and want out. Understand?”
“Yes…” he whispered.
“Yes…?” replied Cora
“Yes, Goddess Cora.”
“That’s better… now I think you’d better be going, but before you do you can do one more thing for me; go into my bedroom and bring me my vibrator, it’s on the nightstand.”
Aiden nervously stood up, trying to hide his obvious erection and turning quickly so that his back was to Cora. He shuffled towards what he presumed was Cora’s room and spied the vibrator sitting on the nightstand where she’d left it earlier.
He quickly returned to the lounge, holding the toy out in front of him, but when he got back to where Cora was still lounging on the sofa she made no effort to take it off him.
“Get it wet for me… suck on it.”
Aiden looked down and nervously lifted the plastic cock to his lips.
“That’s it, suck it for me like a good boy.”
Aiden pushed the vibrator between his lips and started sucking on it, trying hard to get it as wet as possible for his new Goddess.
“Mmm, you’re so lucky to have your lips around my favourite toy, aren’t you?”
Aiden nodded in agreement and after a few seconds more Cora held her hand out and took the plastic cock from him, then she twisted the base and started rubbing it gently between her legs.
“You can go now, the parcel is by the door… and don’t forget, you need to get used to wearing the cage before you bring me the key.”
Aiden reluctantly took a couple of steps towards the door, barely able to take his eyes off of Cora.
“Oh… and one more thing. I know that when you get home you are going to jerk off… and right now I can’t stop you. But listen, once you’re my pet you will never be allowed to cum without eating it and I do not expect to waste my time training you to do it. So make sure you catch it and swallow it… understand?”
“Yes Goddess Cora,” whimpered Aiden.
"Good, now go!"