Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Elusive Sub Space and Another Story Done...

Earlier today I posted about the wonderful teasing I experienced last night when Mistress came to bed in the early hours of the morning. I noticed that our friend SubHub left a comment on my post quoting a part of my text and agreeing wholeheartedly with what I said.

"I can't tell you how much I love being in that sub-space... such an intense feeling."

There's nothing like it. Being in sub-space and being teased. Unless you're talking to someone that's been there, it's really difficult to explain what it's like. 

So true. It really is quite impossible to describe. I can only equate it to how I imagine it feels to be 'high' (I've never indulged in any drug) where you feel so insanely good and you never want it to end. But it's not just feeling 'good'... it's a feeling of intense 'devotion' I guess would be the best way to describe it, so perhaps a more accurate way to think of it would be kind of like a devout religious experience? 

Again I don't have any experience of such a thing, being a complete athiest... and I realise it sounds a little hyperbolic, but honestly it's the best feeling in the world. The weird thing is I only really ever get to this place during night time teasing and I think it's because it's the only time I'm truly relaxed enough to get there. 

So yeah, it's a pretty rare feeling, but when it hits it's absolutely phenomenal.

I've just submitted another story to Literotica and I'll be posting it here very soon. Again it's written from the woman's perspective - that's not something I'll be doing regularly, it just so happens that the last two stories worked that way. Like the last one I'm not pinning any great hopes on it, I think it's a nice little story and that's it, but I thought the same of the last one and that's still scoring incredibly well. So we'll see...

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