Sunday, 29 October 2017

A Comment Left on 'Out of My Hands Part Three'.

D Wrote: What a great series! I really enjoy your writing. I know nothing first-hand about that which you write of. Instead I sit having passed middle age in a cooling but loving vanilla relationship. Your story really maintains the exciting tension that your submissive feels, eager for erotic stimulation and fearful of being taken to far or abused and humiliated. Likewise Mistress R both threatens to take things “too far” fantasizing about cuckoldry and forced bisexuality and yet makes a silent promise not to do so out of love for her husband. Does she really abandon this promise before the story ends or are the videos and threats just the tease? The story has a somewhat autobiographical tone so perhaps you can shed some light here. I would so much like to know what happened in the unwritten parts 4 and 5. 
You write near the end, “I’m serious slave, this is it. After this there will be no normal life for you with me ever again. I’ve already given you one chance to go back to a vanilla life, and this is the final time… after this, no more. This is it slave, if we go back to normal now I think we’ll be able to adjust, but if we continue on this path and you can’t take it…I think the only solution will be separation, and I will have to find a new permanent slave…” This is a common theme I’ve seen in your writing and others. Do you think that this is just a literary play to juice things up or do people who live and love this way find this to be true, that there is no going back. I don’t even mean all the way back from Femdom to “Vanilla” but I do wonder as I read blogs and stories whether when a member of a couple that plays hard and engages in real humiliation, cuckoldry, forced bisexuality etc, feels real regret or hurt, can those couples continue to play the same game as before, just now respecting a boundary that they oughtn’t have stepped over in the first place? I don’t know why I think that you would “know”” this but I’d guess that you’ve given something like this some thought. Is this “problem” explored in any of your writing or could it be? Or perhaps you would think that for real couples or characters there is always the need for greater risk, greater domination and greater submission and without this, the tension, fear and excitement cannot be maintained. 
Apologies for my longwinded comment and questions. Keep writing please. Thanks, D.

What a fantastic and thoughtful comment D, thank you!
I would love to answer your questions about the story, but it’s been so long since I read it, I can’t even really remember what it’s about. I guess I need to read it through again!
One of the problems with my early stories (in my opinion) is that I wrote them in the first person and I basically wrote them as my fantasies and used Mistress R and me as the characters, of course I didn’t have a blog then… but in hindsight it was a bad idea, because people tend to read them as being ‘real life’ stories rather than fantasies, or at least partially real (which I guess they are, but to a much smaller degree than I think people tend to think…), also as you commented, the way they are written they do come off as ‘autobiographical’.
These older stories were posted on Literotica as ‘Malibuman666’ and at some point I stopped writing in the first person and changed my name to ‘Robert_Anthony’. Once I stopped writing in the first person I obviously had to give my characters names and this helped distinguish fantasy from reality.
As for the ‘no going back’ thing… well, I don’t know. I don’t know how easy it would be for us to go back to a completely vanilla relationship now. I’m sure we ‘could’ but I think there would always be this ‘shadow’ in the background, and it’s not like I would stop thinking about Mistress’s feet, or ass or wanting to lick my cum off her body… I think it would be difficult.
I’ve spoken about Sarah Jameson before, she was a very influential figure in the chastity scene when I first got interested and I do remember her saying that she wouldn’t want to go back, and her husband wouldn’t ever want to go back, but if he did then she would because she loved him – but that if anything ever happened to him and she was on her own she would be looking for someone who was prepared to submit to her control to the point where she would never let them orgasm with her. In other words, she wasn’t prepared to start off vanilla and move on to chastity, she would want someone who from the start knew that all they were ever going to get with her was ruins and milking…
I guess it depends on how deep it goes with the woman, whether it’s the act itself or is it something special they have with their partner. I don’t really think Mistress R would only want a submissive male, and I don’t think for a minute she’d only go out with someone who would submit to 100% chastity. She might stipulate that a future partner had to be willing to go down on her as much as I do though… 🙂
Hope this answers some of your questions.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Another Comment from John McN.

John McN wrote: Hello again Rob and thank you for your explanation. I respect your point of view and appreciate the reasoning behind it. Do you REALLY know what your wife thinks, or is it just what she wants you to believe that she thinks? Women can be very tactile and often hide their deepest and darkest fantasies from those closest to them, perhaps you might try every now and then to “Up the stakes” and see what her reaction is to your suggestions, when you make them, anyway it fantastic reading you and having a little fun with our conversation. Reply, my friend, but only if you feel like doing, and good luck for the future. Your admirer, John.
Hi John, I’m glad you are enjoying my blog – and sorry that you seem to have joined in when the blog is going through a slightly lean period. I feel like I have been trying to ‘up the stakes’ to be honest, for the last six years… in some ways it’s been slow going, but in others it’s exceeding our expectations. I certainly didn’t expect it to last this long and it shows no signs of stopping any time soon.
Do I know what my wife thinks… sometimes I think I do, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes, well actually, quite a lot of the time she keeps her cards close to her chest… I know a lot about her fantasies because I’ve written a lot of them and found a lot more for her. Some things have taken a long time to gel, like the ruining of orgasms for example, that took a hell of a long time, also Mistress seems a lot more comfortable slapping my balls and especially (last night) using her nails on my balls.
I think the thing is, no matter how far you progress you’re always going to want more… so in a way this can never be truly satisfying, but then ‘satisfaction’ isn’t really the point is it? 🙂

Friday, 20 October 2017

Female Domination Should be Permanent!

John McN wrote: How come you’re having “sessions”? Female domination should be permanent, and your Mistress seems to be getting soft, especially if she let’s you talk her into allowing you to come. I think she should put your little member into a chastity cage and give all the keys to her lover, so that only he will decide whether you are allowed erections or ejaculations.
Hello John, thanks for visiting my blog and for taking the time to leave a comment, it’s always appreciated.
Of course in a perfect world Female domination would be permanent, but life isn’t like that for everyone. Can you imagine how exhausting it would be to be dominant 24 hours a day and to keep it fresh and exciting? Besides, not every woman wants her ‘submissive’ to be submissive all the time. We find the sessions a very good way to enjoy Femdom without it becoming a burden. At times we have toyed with the idea of stopping them and just filtering the content into our everyday sex life, but we both can see that it would be a mistake.
Having a session makes an occasion of it, we still both get quite nervous before a session even though the things we do are largely the same as we have been doing for fifteen years. I’m sorry we don’t conform to the lofty standards set by the BDSM elite, but that’s the way it is and (more importantly) that’s the way Mistress wants it. You see if you truly want female domination, then you have to abide by what she wants – not what you want or what you believe is ‘the way it should be’, and I bet you won’t find that many women who want a fawning, submissive male 24hrs a day either.
As for my little member, it’s not that little, it’s pretty average actually and fortunately Mistress has quite small hands. Sadly she doesn’t like chastity cages, though my brief experiences with them has led me to think that I’m not so sure about them either, despite them being a hot fantasy. Speaking of which, cuckolding may be one… but neither of us wishes to go down that route for real, so if there were any keys, then Mistress would be the one carrying them around her neck I’m afraid. 🙂
Also, I’d hardly call Mistress ‘getting soft’, letting me talk her into letting me cum once in six years!

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

A Very Unexpected Release!

Mistress and I have been having a bit of a rough week one way and another, but finally we’re both feeling better! I had my heart monitor thing on Monday – of course, from the moment they stuck it on me I’ve had barely a murmur, and today too, absolutely nothing! I mean I’m glad it’s stopped, but it’s so annoying. Why couldn’t it have waited until after I’d had the heart monitor because now I feel like I’ve wasted their time…
So anyway, Mistress is on her period right now, but the last few days my cock seems to have finally sorted itself out and after we’d watched ‘The Apprentice’ Mistress decided that I was long overdue some teasing. It’s been quite a while since we’d done anything on the sofa, but Mistress started kissing me and then told me to get my trousers down. She knelt down on the floor between my legs and started sucking my cock and it felt great.
I would really love to have cum in Mistress’s mouth, but when I told her I was getting close she said that she wasn’t going to let me cum today. She stayed on her knees and let me compose myself, all the while using her nails to abuse my cock. Then she started sucking and stroking me again and I begged to be allowed to see her gorgeous breasts.
Mistress let go of my cock and slowly took her top and bra off, even though she let it go for a while my cock stayed nice and hard – such a relief I cannot tell you how good that feels –  and then resumed her teasing. I told her how bad I wanted to cum on her tits, but Mistress just laughed and said no.
She did offer that maybe she could promise to let me cum on her tits next time she allowed me to cum, but that I wouldn’t be able to change my mind. I didn’t want to take her up on this because part of the reason I wanted to cum on her tits right now was because she was kneeling down and I just knew that it would probably end up where when I got to cum she would be lying down and it’s just not the same (as I posted previously).
Still, somehow I managed to talk Mistress into letting me cum on her beautiful breasts! Yep I pretty much broke my rule about not asking to be allowed to cum that’s been in place for six years or more… and Mistress decided to let me. So when we get to our delayed Femdom Session that’s going to give her something to punish me for I guess. 🙂
Needless to say I was a good slave and licked my cum off her gorgeous breasts so that’s a point in my favour, but really… I can’t believe she let me talk her into letting me cum on her tits when she wasn’t even going to let me cum! I wonder what else I can talk her into doing????? 🙂

Sunday, 8 October 2017

41 Days and Out.

And so, after 41 days, this period of chastity has come to an end. Not only that, for the first time since March I was allowed to cum in Mistress’s hot, wet pussy.
You may remember, when I last posted, things were… less than perfect. And indeed I’m still not right, and I still have a 24 heart monitor to look forward to next Monday – which is my birthday as it happens. Great!
So midweek I made Mistress cum, but I just wanted it to be about her so I put off any teasing. We were planning to have our Femdom session today, but that didn’t happen and we decided to just go to bed this afternoon and put the session back until next week.
So after I made Mistress cum, I didn’t really know how well my cock was going to react, but I wanted to try and get away from the cock ring so I thought it best to just try and see. When I woke up this morning I was good and hard but quite numb (which is from the nerve damage from my operation in 2007), thankfully… after a slow start my cock got hard and Mistress and I kissed as she stroked me while I teased her ass with my fingers.
Then Mistress got up and straddled me, slipping my cock between her lips and allowing me to slide inside her. It felt fantastic, and without even asking Mistress immediately undid her bra and removed it. I reached up and cupped her gorgeous tits as she rode me, and quite soon I felt my orgasm building. I wish I could have held back a while longer, but after 41 days and given recent problems I was just so happy to be hard, and inside my beautiful Mistress.
I warned Mistress I was close and she smiled and said ‘Good, I want you to cum inside me’. She started riding me harder and after a few seconds I came in her really hard. It was pretty awesome I must say, and as soon as I finished Mistress lifted off me and straddled my face, allowing me to lick her pussy while a huge load of cum dripped into my mouth. Mistress stayed there longer than she has in the past – which I really loved and I made sure to lick her clean while I reached up and gently caressed her left breast.
Afterwards we lay down and I kissed and sucked on Mistress’s sexy as hell nipples a little bit. This was the perfect way to end a less than perfect week, hopefully this will put us back on track now.

The dieting is going pretty well, I’ve lost a smidgeon off half a stone (7lbs) in three weeks, which is pretty much on target for me to get under 15 stone by Christmas. I’m regularly doing four lots of weights/treadmill/bike per week along with swimming and walking as and when I can. Can’t say I’m feeling too much different as yet, although my clothes are already feeling a bit lose which is great!