Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Some Extremely Sad News...

Very sadly, our beloved ginger cat 'Mr B' is no longer with us. He started to get ill about three months ago - constantly at his tail and out of sorts. For a short time we thought we'd beaten it with a course of antibiotics, steroids and a procedure, but the problem persisted and worsened until eventually the vet delved deeper and discovered a lump growing inside him near his tail (apparently this is a very hard place to operate on a cat as it would most likely leave him incontinent).

The vet put him on an increased dose of steroids and after a couple of days there was a marked difference and Mr B seemed much less bothered by his tail. He still seemed quite lacklustre though, and thinking back over the last few months he had slowly become lethargic and not really himself. Then on Saturday he spent most of the day in bed and when he came down it was clear he was not comfortable and he started attacking his tail constantly again.

We took him to the vet on Sunday morning and unfortunately, as there was nothing more they could do besides attempting a (probably unsuccessful) surgery that we really didn't want to put him through, we had to let him go. The past three days have been absolutely horrible, I have cried at least six times today and our other cat Ming is missing him too. They didn't seem to get on all that well, but they did like to chase each other around the house and had at least one 'fight' a day.

I know the wrench of losing a pet doesn't outweigh the years of joy they bring, but it's at times like this when I understand my late father's reasoning for not having another cat as he could not stomach the loss again. It is miserable and I hate it so much, I just wish I could have him snuggled up next to me on the sofa again but unfortunately that's never going to happen.

We are thinking about getting another cat though, as Ming really needs a companion and we'd really like a cuddly cat, which Ming is not! Hopefully we can sort that out soon as we know from experience that it definitely helps you to get over the pain if you have a new cat to focus on.

Anyway, I'm sure many of you know exactly how we are feeling at the moment. Cats and dogs really do leave a massive hole when they have to go...

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On a more positive note, the tease I posted to Milovana is doing well and at the moment is easily going to make it into the end of month poll. Unless of course loads more teases get posted in the next six days, or mine mysteriously starts to plummet again!

Also, you may remember that a little while back I attempted to post a story called 'Ruined by Jessica' to Literotica and I had to edit it three times to get them to accept it (in the process I had to change the title to 'Jessica on Top' as the 'ruined' part of the title no longer made any sense). Well, amazingly, considering the butchering that I had to do to get it past the Literotica censors, it has now become my top rated story on the site! I'm not sure whether I'm pleased or angry really, but it is what it is... obviously I wish the story had been posted in its original format, but at least the people who visit here got to read the proper version.

Anyway, 'Girls Talk' is still the best story I have ever written in my humble opinion, at least that's up there in third place!


  1. Sorry for the loss of Mr.B.

  2. My cat Sam is almost seventeen. She is in good health but all she does is eat and sleep with a few minutes each day when she wants to be petted. I know the end is not too far off but it will hurt so bad when she is gone.I have a lot of holes in my heart from the dogs and cats that I have lost. I know how you feel

    1. Thank you, but you never know... my parent's neighbour's cat lived to be 27! We had a cat that reached 21, so maybe your lovely girl will be with you a while yet! :)

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