Sunday, 3 April 2022

End of Year Analysis

Hi everyone, well we made it to the end of another year of 24/7 orgasm control, which makes it eleven full years without a break. Pretty amazing, and for sure I doubt either of us thought that this would carry on like it has... but we're still both in agreement that this really works for us and so continue it does.

Anyway, as has become a bit of a ritual over the last few years I have produced several graphs to display the data for this latest chastity year (Apr 2021-Mar 2022) and here they are:

We start on a positive note, this year we managed to have eight Femdom session (out of a potential twelve), not perfect but a marked and continuing improvement over the last five years, let's see if we can keep it up in the coming twelve months (hopefully starting today).

A slightly disappointing result here admittedly, but at least we managed to avoid setting a new low (believe it or not Mistress actually had her 106th orgasm of the year on the 31st of March!).

It seems very much like the glass dildo has peaked and fallen way down in popularity with Mistress R... although there were a few times where Mistress had me use the dildo on her initially, but I didn't count those if the dildo wasn't still being used when she actually came.

A new record low (or high, depending on which way you are looking at it) in total releases for me although this was solely due to a reduction in the the number of ruined orgasms I was allowed this year; full orgasms stayed the same at eight.

Actually the (equal) least amount of ruins since Mistress started to embrace the idea in 2013/14...

With my number of full orgasms remaining stable and Mistress R's total orgasms falling slightly the result here was predictable, but still a very respectable 13.25>1 .

This was the first year (EVER) that I didn't orgasm inside Mistress's pussy... quite a milestone!

Very pleased to see this going back up after a total no show last year, but I would love to see it continue this trajectory year on year...

For the purposes of this graph I have ignored any 'secondary' placements that may have occurred, and by that I mean if Mistress scooped cum off of my stomach and smeared it on her feet for me to lick off I didn't count that as having cum on her feet (even if it is very much appreciated). 

Once again there were two options that didn't see any results in 2021/22. Firstly as I mentioned before I didn't cum inside Mistress R's pussy this year, and also no orgasms in Mistress R's mouth either... but then that hasn't been the case since 2016 (when Mistress gave me my one and only snowball) and I haven't exactly been holding my breath for a repeat of that...

Well, there we have it. Another year done and dusted. Quite incredible to think how long we've been following this path now, especially when you consider Mistress R's initial reaction to the idea of going 'full time'.   

In case you are wondering, I don't really have strong feelings about the statistics of my release rate. When we started out I plucked a figure of 10 to 1 out of the air, and we have long since achieved that; the last five years were all above that line and the year before was only just under it. To me that is more important than the actual number of releases I have. Obviously I would much rather increase the ratio by increasing the number of orgasms Mistress R has than decreasing mine... so that's something we will be working on in the coming year. :) 

I would actually be happy to have more ruins and less full orgasms (because I love the frustration of being ruined and also love that it doesn't diminish my need for more...), but I would really like to have more opportunities to choose where I cum and clean up from. As it stands these two are contrary aims since Mistress has only ever ruined me onto my own stomach, it would be really cool if she could ruin me onto her feet, breasts, pussy etc... or maybe even order me to do it.

Before I go I have to say my favourite orgasm this year was at the end of February when Mistress jerked me off over her pussy and then straddled my face. The orgasm itself was super intense, and Mistress stroked me hard for a long time, squeezing every drop of cum out; some might even consider it ruined since it surely passed the point where 'pleasure' turned to 'pain', but the masochist in me certainly enjoyed it... and I absolutely loved having Mistress R's cum-drenched pussy over my face afterwards and licking it clean. That was so fucking HOT! But also I have to mention the amazing time Mistress teased me in the early hours of the morning and much to my surprise jerked me off all over her ass. I needed to cum soooooo bad that night, so that was a very close second. :)


  1. Thanks so much Robert. It really is amazing to look at the actual numbers because after a while, the days and number just all seem to bleed together. I was allowed a fill orgasm a couple of weeks ago and although it seemed it had been a while since the last, when looking into it, it had been 7 months. 7 MONTHS!!! Not complaining in the least because my love for her and the depth of our love for each other continues to grow nicely.

    Thanks for a great post.

    1. Hi Sub Hub,
      Wow, seven months is a looooong time! I haven't got close to that yet, maybe if Mistress increases the ruins and decreases the full orgasms though... I would be up for that! :)

  2. Years? Blows my mind when people start talking...years. :)

  3. The dildo has fallen out of favor, but it still gets more pussy than you right?

  4. That's quite the year RA and great to see that you have had a year of not being allowed to orgasm inside your Mistresses pussy.


  5. I always love your stats.
    It really is a milestone to have spent a year without cum inside your Mistress's Pussy. Maybe this year will be totally Pussy-free? I remember that at the beginning She had imposed on you as a rule not to ask her for things or question Her, so I don't know if this is allowed, but have you talked to Her about this milestone? Is it part of Her plan or was it just by chance? I would love to read what She thinks about it (as long as this doesn't cause you problems, of course)
    On the other hand, and going back to the math, do not feel bad because the number of orgasms of your Mistress has decreased, if you do the math, it follows around 1 orgasm every 3 days (1 every 3.44 days) and the maximum of 132 only makes 1 orgasm every 2.76 days. Seems like a big number to me.
    Another interesting fact that comes out of your stats is that you used to average about 2 orgasms a month years ago, and now you're over (or not over) the threshold of one orgasm a month.
    I don't know if I've told you before but I always find it hopeful to read your adventures in this world. My fantasy would be to have some of these adventures that you have. My wife sometimes indulgently agrees to play some chastity game with me, but usually it doesn't last more than a couple of weeks or a month. And despite not being in chastity we went down from having sex once a week to 1 every 3 weeks, trying to follow and respect his wishes instead of mine. So to see you guys moving on after 11 years is great.


    1. Thanks for your comment... sorry I didn't see it before. I honestly don't believe it was 'planned', I think it comes down to the fact that most of the time Mistress doesn't enjoy penetrative sex that much and I don't think she ever really did. It's just that now she feels comfortable with not 'doing it for me' as she can see that I do not pester her about it. Honestly I don't enjoy doing something that I know she doesn't enjoy, and I could see that the most recent times we had penetrative sex it seemed painful for her. That is a huge turn off for me, so I'd rather not do it. I'm much happier licking her pussy and making her cum to be honest... and of course she teasing my cock so well with her hands and mouth - I have zero to complain about!
