Saturday, 25 November 2023

Mistress Has a Cold...

Well this week has been a bit up and down. Unfortunately Mistress developed a cold and has been feeling pretty rotten all week. Fortunately she felt a little better on Thursday and so she enjoyed a nice orgasm, just as well as she felt worse again on Friday. Today she seems a lot better though so hopefully it's making a retreat.

I've stuck extremely rigidly to my plan to not eat chocolate/cakes/crisps this week or drink alcohol (not that I drink much anyway, but it's still calories and it's easy for me to give up so I might as well do that as well). I realised that biscuits, nougat and peanut brittle don't fall into any of those categories so I guess if I get really desperate I could exploit that loophole. But really I should stick to the plan - 4 weeks solid of really healthy eating and walking everyday. I'm sure I will feel much better for it (indeed I already do and it's only been 6 days) and will enjoy Christmas much more than I otherwise would have.

I was going to weigh myself this morning, to see what I had lost, but I decided not to because I know what will happen. If I'd lost nothing I would be pissed off and eat. If I lost 4 or 5lbs I would relax and eat. If I lost 2lbs I would be annoyed that it wasn't more and eat. So wisely I decided not to, instead I shall weigh at the end of the 4 weeks and hopefully it will be a good chunky number.


  1. Hope she improves and gets over whatever is bothering her. Just a reminder, regarding scale weight, a gallon of water weighs about 8 pounds. Not that the body retains all of that, but if someone is hydrating correctly and drinks at least a gallon a day...or not, well you see my point. Scale weight in the morning on an empty stomach is not the same as scale weight at the end of the evening after a day of eating and drinking fluids. And muscle mass being denser than fat, if someone is working out, they can actually *gain* scale weight, while building muscle, yet still be losing fat. So, maybe consider focusing on eating clean, moving, working out, hydrating properly, body composition will change and health will improve, and body weight is not quite as important. :)

    1. Hi Vanessa, yes I always weigh first thing in the morning and I don't think I need to worry about my muscles weighing too much just yet - ha ha. I am indeed concentrating on moving everyday and eating healthily, at this point I think it's more about breaking a lot of bad habits that have been in place for a very long time.

  2. i hope your mistress is feeling better RA and congratulations on sticking with the plan.


    1. Hi Poppetm, sorry for the late reply. Yes she is much better thanks, I hope you had a good Christmas and have an excellent 2024. RA
