Friday, 28 February 2025

Wow, I Gotta Write a Story Like That!

Don't you hate it when people say they are 'obsessed' with something when what they really mean is that they are mildly enthusiastic about it? Like 'I'm obsessed with this air fryer'. or 'I'm obsessed with this eye liner', or 'I'm obsessed with this shitty polyester top from Shein'.

I do... but if there was ever a blog that I was 'obsessed' with, it would surely be 'Sub Hub in Phoenix'. In fact it occurred to me this morning that every time I visit 'SHIP' I come away inspired to write a story. So maybe in future when I want to write something I should just browse Sub Hub's blog for a few moments and then unleash myself on a Word document. Genius!!!

Sub Hub's latest post is great as always, and I thoroughly recommend reading it, but the basic gist of it is that Mistress K teased SubHub a little (without releasing him from his cage) and then started using a vibrator on herself while he watched. Unfortunately for Sub Hub after a short time she told him to close his eyes and so he had to lie there listening to his wife bringing herself to two orgasms. 

Okay you should definitely read the post right now (if you haven't already) - here's a link...

Everything about this is hot as fuck, but I was thinking about it earlier and I was like, yeah... I can see why it would be hard to convince a woman that this is hot because honestly I can't imagine being a woman and laying with my eyes closed listening to my husband jerking off once, never mind twice! 

But then I guess there are submissive females out there who would totally disagree... so really I suppose the women that are hard to convince are the ones who aren't submissive (i.e. the ones that NEED convincing). So dominant ladies, if you are reading this, I think I speak for all submissive men out there when I say this is definitely HOT and if you follow suit you will definitely make his day. Plus if he does sneakily open his eyes you have the perfect excuse to leather his backside, right?

Years ago I made an audio recording of one of our Femdom sessions and transcribed what Mistress said on this blog, but you know by far the hottest part of the whole recording was the sound of Mistress cumming. Holy shit, that was amazing... I wish I still had that.

So just to imagine lying next to your wife, with your cock locked up in a cage and being told to keep your eyes closed (or else), hearing the buzz of a vibrator and her breathing becoming more and more excited and then cumming.... twice. 

Wow. That is truly a HOT thing to experience... I gotta write a story like that!

Monday, 24 February 2025

What a Feeling...

I know what you're thinking right, it's feast or famine with me now... well that's true, but I'm just enjoying feeling pumped about this element of Mistress R and I's life again, so for the moment let's just enjoy the ride because who knows what's around the corner.

You know, I have a group of guy friends in a Whatsapp group who share a common (vanilla) interest... one is 35, one is 45, one is 50 and I am 55. I really don't like how I am the old-man of the group, when did this happen? When did I become the old guy? Well it kinda sucks honestly.

But still, it could be worse. And of all of us it seems like I have the least complicated life... one has health issues and a troubled daughter. One has a broken relationship. shared custody of a small child and sister with substance abuse issues and one is Welsh. I mean can you imagine... Welsh?

But seriously... it does make you appreciate that while you might be getting old and creaky, being an only child (and childless into the bargain) makes your life that much simpler and so you can focus on the important things in life, like erections.

Because honestly, I feared for a while that my days of morning wood were over... but since I lost so much weight and perhaps even more importantly since I recommitted myself to 'absolutely no touching my cock in any sexual way at all without permission from my beloved Mistress' it seems that things have changed.

This morning, for example, I awoke with the most throbbing of hard-ons... which made it all the tougher to get out of bed rather than just lying still and enjoying the feeling. Was I tempted to give it a playful squeeze? Of course, there wouldn't be any fun doing this if I didn't, would there? But I did not, and honestly I'm kind of terrified that breaking this rule that seems to have rejuvenated me so dramatically would ruin this new found energy.    

Honestly, if you're a younger guy whose dick is always begging for attention, then good on ya. But you know, one day things will probably be slightly different, and once you've known a difficult period it really makes you appreciate being rock hard without even trying.

As I was driving home tonight, I started thinking about the next story I'm going to write - the one I mentioned the other day, and as I got near to being home I realised my cock was hard. Now hopefully that means it's a winner, but even if that story never gets written, it's a joyous moment when your cock gets hard just thinking about stuff. 

Especially in the evening... because morning wood is one thing, that's when testosterone is at it's peak, but 8pm at night after a long day at work followed by visiting my elderly mother, and starving hungry because it's weigh day tomorrow... that's quite different. 

And yeah, it feels AWESOME! 

Sunday Afternoon Teasing...

Let's be honest, Sunday morning brainstorming is all well and good, but Sunday afternoon teasing is way better, right? And so after Mistress had a lovely orgasm on my tongue, I strapped on my new Oxballs2 for a test run. My first impression was that it felt a little different, a little more squishy and a little less 'tight', which might not necessarily be a bad thing.

I had already clocked that Mistress had placed the cock whip on the bedside table (next to our new water based lube) and with the taste of Mistress's gorgeous pussy still fresh on my lips we started to kiss... and by the time she reached down to touch my cock I was already hard. She didn't waste too much time before reaching first for the lube and then for the whip, though not before she'd slapped my tightly trapped balls a few times...

I know Mistress was catching up on my blog posts before we went to bed, so maybe she was excited by the thought of being able to ruin my orgasms without even having to touch my cock... well, probably not, but I really loved how enthusiastic she was today and how much she seemed to be enjoying whipping my balls. She topped up the lube and continued stroking, whipping and scratching at my cock with her nails until I was on my way to my first edge.

Once she had me there she let go for a few seconds and then starting to gently tease me again. She was up on her knees beside me by this time, giving me a perfect view of her gorgeous body (though she did have her bra on which, you know... BAH!). Suddenly she lifted herself up and stood over me, making my cock even harder as I anticipated the sweet taste of her delicious asshole.

Unfortunately it was not to be. Mistress reached down and pumped my cock as I looked up at her gorgeous pussy and ass, but she made it perfectly clear that today I was only allowed to look and not touch. Now obviously there was a slight tinge of disappointment, but with such an beautiful view right above me I really couldn't be that unhappy about it. 

Mistress sank down close to my face several times, taunting me with her prize as she continued stroking me - so frustrating, to be soooo close and not allowed to worship her as I really wanted to, but still, I am extremely grateful for what she allowed me... and I still loved every second of it.

Mistress brought me to a second edge and then called a halt, but she still teased me a little bit more... scratching my tightly stretched balls with her long, painted nails - I absolutely loved that! I do wish that could have continued longer and harder though... I really, really love it when Mistress hurts my cock and balls! 🔥

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Sunday Morning Brainstorming...

The other day I mentioned (the fantastic) SubHub's blog and how he had described using a 'prostate massager' (properly) for the first time. Since I have owned one of these for many years but never actually tried to use it I was intrigued and since SubHub hadn't been totally clear about the end result I wondered if he thought he could ruin an orgasm completely 'hands-free' while using this toy. So I left a comment on his post and he replied that he absolutely could... interesting!

I'm guessing those of you that actually wear chastity cages have probably discovered this already? Since you have a greater need for hands free 'relief'! 

So Mistress and I had a late night last night so I was looking forward to a lie in this morning... but of course I was awake at 7:10, but fell back to sleep and then woke up again at 8:30. I wasn't awake enough to get up though and so I half snoozed, half dreamed, half thought about the possibilities that SubHub's answer opened up.

I find a lot of inspiration comes at these half-asleep, half-awake times... I'd say at least 70% of all the stories I've ever written were germinated in this cosy, dozy headspace. The trick is getting up and writing the ideas down before you forget them!

By the time I did eventually get up I had formulated the bones of a story and a webtease, and also enjoyed several painfully hard erections in the process. These felt great, but I still did not touch my cock, even though the temptation was enormous; so that's fully three weeks and still nothing to report there. 

Of course I really want to tell you what my idea was, but I don't want to spoil the surprise... so I will attempt to write this story soon. 

Speaking of stories, my latest creation 'Discovering Denial' is still going great guns on Literotica, with 5000 views and a monumental 4.71/5.00 rating (still my highest scoring story at the moment). 

It's also heartening to see how quickly this blog is bouncing back now that I've started posting regularly again, I was worried that I had neglected it so much that my readers would have lost interest, but there's been a marked spike in views over the last few weeks which in turn makes me want to keep posting.

You know, it's funny, when you look at my 'blog feed' (right down at the bottom of the page) you can still see all these blogs that have been and gone, it's such a shame... I used to love reading blogs like 'A Queen and Her Knight', 'Monkey in a Cage', 'He Rules the Roost, She Rules the Rooster', 'Femdom Fiancee', 'I'm Her Husband and She is in Charge', 'Poly Kinksters', 'Intimate Thoughts of a Married Man', 'I'm Hers' and 'Pain, Pleasure and Denial'. All these are long gone, in fact I might as well tidy that list up since most of them have been removed when you try and visit. 

I guess I need to do some searching and find some new blogs to follow. Any suggestions would be welcomed in the comments.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Let's Talk About Instagram...

I mentioned Instagram the other day... and what a thoroughly depressing app it is. However, I know it can be used as a tool for promotion (I have a vanilla blog which definitely benefitted from me using Instagram to promote it) so I thought maybe I can use it to spread the word about this blog too. Now I'm not an expert, but I figured the easiest way to do that would be to search for 'Femdom', 'Chastity' and things like that and then start 'following' users that I thought might be tempted to follow me back... because that, to my understanding, is how this whole can of bullshit works.

But oh my God... it was so hard to find anyone who I actually wanted to follow. Mostly it was exactly what I probably should have expected. Youngish women draped in PVC, carrying whips and walking around their (well, maybe not 'their'...) expensive looking houses, looking pissed off and spitting at the camera and generally acting like a caricature of a dominant woman stomping around shouting about 'pegging' and demanding money left right and centre.

So honestly it was a bit of a relief when I eventually came across a post by dx_mephistopheles. Finally here was an elegant, dominant lady talking intelligently and eloquently about Femdom from an adult perspective, offering genuinely good advice/commentary rather than making herself look ridiculous. It's heartening to see that she has 56k followers. Surely not as many as some of those other accounts, but she seems like someone who genuinely knows what's what and isn't engaging in a game of 'dress-up' to extract money from lonely guys on the internet.

But that one account aside, I really didn't come across anything remotely inspiring and I wasn't too sure that promoting my blog on Instagram was going to work that well, but I decided to create an account anyway. But before I could even post anything, Instagram suspended my account on the grounds of 'integrity'... which I don't really understand to be honest. Their guidelines don't seem to apply to me, so I'm guessing they didn't like my username which was 'chastity.femdom.blogspot'.

Well, I started the appeal process but then after completing a capture and then getting a code then they wanted a mobile number and I thought, you know what... Instagram can FUCK RIGHT OFF. It's a dreadful, soul sapping, IQ killing waste of space and I can absolutely live without it. So that's the last you'll hear about Instagram from me. 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Toys, Stories and Teasing...

There was a very interesting post on Sub Hub in Phoenix the other day, about a prostate massage toy that they had bought and tried and not been overly bothered with and how they tried it again and this time read the instructions. So apparently Sub Hub and Mistress K assumed that they were supposed to use the 'handle' to manoeuvre it, but actually that's not the case at all - the 'handle' is just there to stop it getting sucked in. 

What you're supposed to do is insert it and then use it 'hands free' by squeezing your ass muscles. Sub Hub said it felt amazing this way, which is interesting since we have one of these that I think we bought at one of those Erotica convention things we went to about fifteen years ago. It's still in the drawer, never been used... maybe we should give it a try!

Could be a useful toy for when Mistress leaves me alone in our Femdom sessions perhaps? But I'd like to try it out first... just in case it's too good. Would be slightly awkward if Mistress came back to find me still tied up but with a pool of cum all over my stomach. 

I must admit I do find the idea of cumming solely from anal stimulation very hot, though I'd prefer it if Mistress was involved of course... maybe if I learn to do it with this then eventually she could make me cum by pegging me?

Literotica posted my latest story a few days ago and so far it's getting a good response. I have two comments, both positive, and currently it's scoring 4.7/5.0 after 61 votes, which is a great start and while it may drop back as the votes continue to come in, at the moment it is my highest scoring story! 

Which confuses me slightly, because I thought it was a nice little story, but hardly my best work. But then again, perhaps people like it because it didn't fall into the expected traps of 'chastity' stories, and also perhaps writing from the woman's perspective made it feel different and interesting?

I did start trying to write a second part, but... I don't know. It wasn't my plan to write a second part and I have no idea what Sammy's letters actually said. I mean, I have loose ideas... but I think if I wrote them into the next part it would probably then fall into the cliches that I've managed to avoid, so that's an issue.

I've added a couple more stories to the 'Stories by Other Authors' page... both multiple chapters so plenty to get your teeth into. 

We haven't got around to trying our new goodies yet. This evening Mistress used the new water based lube we bought to tease my cock though and that felt great. At one point Mistress's finger moved below my balls as if it was heading for my ass and I nearly edged immediately! However Mistress has very long (natural) nails so that's probably not a good idea! I never understood how porn stars with massive fake nails can stick their fingers in their ass, surely that's gotta be slightly uncomfortable? 

Mistress edged me three times tonight, which felt amazing. I can't tell you how good it feels now that I am refraining from touching myself again. It's been 18 days since our Femdom session and I have managed to keep my hands off, though it was very difficult this morning as I woke up very, very hard. But I managed and I'm determined to stick to the rules now.

Monday, 17 February 2025

A Bit of Internet Shopping...

As you know, our Femdom Sessions have been few and far between the last few years and when I look through our 'toy drawer' some of our stuff is starting to look a little shabby. I mean most of it is okay, the leather and glass stuff is fine, it's the other stuff that's starting to show its age.

There was a very large inflatable buttplug in there that I know we've had for at least 20 years (and probably haven't used for fifteen) it's very discoloured and unsexy looking... in fact I thought I threw that away a long time ago, so I was surprised to find it still in there. That went in the bin. And beloved as it is, my clear Oxballs Cocksling is also rather discoloured and yellow looking now.

So, armed with a discount voucher from LoveHoney (no, this is not a sponsored post) I went searching for replacements and found that LH do a very affordable butt plug in a more reasonable size that also vibrates. Sounds interesting! In addition I thought I would get a replacement vinyl sheet as again ours must be twenty years old and it's starting to wear where it's been folded and unfolded over the years. This one is a fitted sheet though so hopefully a bit easier to fit than the old one which was a massive pain in the arse until I taped extra material to the side to keep it in place!

I also got a replacement Oxballs product, though it's not called a 'cocksling' anymore it's called an 'Atomic Stretchy Jock Cock and Ball Sleeve' or something, which doesn't quite have the same snappy ring about it... but it's the same thing. This time I got it in black. And finally I got a pair of Love Honey silicone nipple suckers. I'm not 100% sure about those. I tried them for a few seconds and they didn't seem terribly effective but maybe you need to leave them on for a bit? One of the reviews said you should use a little water or lubricant to make them more sucky, so we'll see.

As it stands we haven't tried any of these products yet, so I will report back when we do. But it feels very positive to be adding to and replacing parts of our toy collection... 

Oh, now that I look at the packaging I see that it is still called a 'Cocksling', or rather a 'Cocksling 2 - the original', which seems rather counter intuitive...

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Discovering Denial (Written February 2025)

This is a different kind of story for me, still based in the usual tropes (minus the cuckolding) but told from the female perspective and, well... it's just different from any story I've written before. I have an idea for part two, but we'll see how that pans out. 

You know, sometimes I look back and wonder whether everything I’m about to tell you was a set-up? But honestly I really can’t believe that. I just don’t think Sammy is that clever or that devious. But, well, maybe I should ask him sometime…?

Okay, so it all started about five years ago, give or take a few months. My boyfriend Sammy was going down on me… and I was just taking waaay too long to get there. Sometimes that’s just how it is, you know. But I was slowly getting there and he gave up on me! Said his jaw was hurting and his tongue was sore… what an asshole! He didn’t even offer to get me off with his fingers, he just got up and left me to finish myself off. I was pissed!

Okay, I know I was taking a long time, but come on! Then it happened again a few weeks later. That time we had a bit of an argument about it and the third time it happened I was really fuming. In fact the minute he stopped I pulled my vibrator out of the nightstand and told him to get the fuck out. We didn’t talk for a couple of days after that, but eventually we got over it… and everything went back to normal. 

But I was still very annoyed about it and I was determined that he was never going to do that to me again. So I let it lie for a couple of weeks and then I hatched my plan. I told Sammy that I wanted to give him a treat, but first I wanted to tie him to the bed. Like an idiot he agreed and I soon had him leaning back on the pillows with his wrists securely tied. 

“Are you sure you can’t escape?” I said sweetly.

“Don’t think so,” he said, his cock already starting to get excited.

“Okay then,” I smiled.

Getting Back to My Old Self...

Well it's been two whole weeks now since our last Femdom session and I haven't touched my cock once. Honestly, I'm not telling you this because I'm so 'proud' of my 'incredible achievement' and require your applause, but it is interesting how different things have been this last couple of weeks and this week in particular. Removing any kind of self-stimulation has done exactly what it was supposed to and made me feel much more eager for Mistress's touch. Not that I wasn't before of course, but definitely more now. And even more importantly I've also noticed a change in how hard I am when being teased.

As I said the other day, Mistress edged me on Friday morning without any cock ring or anything like that and I was really hard - which was as surprising as it was unexpected. Yesterday afternoon Mistress and I went to bed and I put the Oxballs ballstretcher on and I was so hard it was ridiculous. It felt like Mistress could hardly even move my foreskin back and forth and after she'd edged me once she lay next to me using her fingertips and nails on my desperate, throbbing cock... which felt absolutely amazing. I don't know if I could have reached the edge like that, maybe if Mistress said something really nasty at just the right moment I could... and it would be an incredible way to be ruined, but it kept me in a very high state of arousal all the same.

*For reference I think the Cocksling offers the most 'assistance', then the rubber cock and ball ring and then the ballstretcher... because all that does is pull your balls down and make the skin tighter, it doesn't physically trap the blood in your cock like the other two do.

Feeling so positive and excited about chastity once more means I also finally feel like posting here again regularly and yesterday evening I wrote a brand new short story, which I will be posting just as soon as I'm done spellchecking and whatnot. It's quite a different kind of story, it's still in the usual vein, but different and there's no cuckolding in it. It's also written from the perspective of the female character and I think some people will jump to conclusions that don't end up playing out. I have to say though, some of you might find it a little 'light'... oh well, hopefully there'll be some proper filth along before too much longer. 🤣

Oh, and I see the 'Orgasms' page has been reinstated again... FFS. 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

This Whole Bad Dragon Thing...

You know, I am getting on a bit now... 55 at my last birthday, so I'm not really in tune with what the 'kids' are doing these days. But it seems like the latest 'thing' is girls (...and some guys, obviously) collecting these huge 'Bad Dragon' dildos and shoving them up their butts! 

Oddly, the way I found out about this was through Instagram. Which is kinda strange because I don't think I've ever actively searched for anything 'sexual' on there, quite the opposite actually as my phone is owned by my employer! 

However I did one day get shown this post and it made me laugh so much* that I took a screenshot so that I could forward it to a friend. Clearly the Instagram algorithm took this as a green light and within a week I was seeing endless ladies backlighting their see-through skirts in one of the most pointless memes ever.

* I think it's the look on her face as much as anything.

This is what I truly hate about Instagram and why I delete it every so often (actually I would say it's deleted from my phone way more often than it's installed because every time I reinstall it within an hour I remember why I deleted it), it's so mindless and derivative. Oh that girl took a photo of herself in a thin skirt with a strong backlight so you can see her pussy lips hanging down, cool - I'll do that too.

Well done. Bravo. Give yourself a pat on the back for your... 'creativity'.

Like everything though, that seemed to die off relatively quickly and I'm not sure whether people just got tired of it or Instagram clamped down on it (or maybe I stopped looking at Instagram for a few days and the algorithm panicked itself into thinking that I was offended and stopped showing them to me), and to be honest I really don't care. But the algorithm also sent me these odd posts, usually of very young looking girls with blue hair and prosthetic elf ears sitting in front of shelves full of impossibly big 'Dragon Dildos'.

Back in my younger days 'anal sex' wasn't something that most girls welcomed (at least openly... although given my limited experience perhaps I was just talking to the wrong girls - haha) so this intrigues me, that in what... 30 years we've 'evolved' to the point where this Dragon thing is not just an oddity but a monetizable 'trend'.

I mean how many people are actually into this I wonder? Because clearly 'Bad Dragon' is a viable company. I don't actually know how much their products are but I'm guessing they're not cheap and some of these people seem to have more than a few in their collections.

And really once you've seen one tiny Furry-girl impaled on a dildo the size of an elephants trunk haven't you seen them all? Or is this generation so fucked up by Manga and computer games that this is what they actually perceive as normal? 

Okay, I don't mean to come across as 'judgemental', after all glass houses and stones etc... but it all seems rather performative. Like it doesn't seem on the face of it like these women 'enjoy it' so much, as they like the attention and (presumably) the money they make on Only Fans? Maybe I'm wrong about that, but none of the posts I saw indicated that there was actually anything fun about it, just 'look at the size of this - OF link in the description'.

But surely there's easier ways to make money, rather than sticking something the size of a fully grown man's arm up your butt? Well, maybe not judging by the picture above and maybe if I thought people would be willing to pay big money to watch me wreck my arsehole with these things I'd feel differently about it... 🤣

But I can't help wondering if this is healthy? I mean, how is there room up there? Where the hell does it go? I sometimes feel slightly 'disturbed' when I get my butt invaded and even our biggest plug or dildo is only marginally bigger than my own very average sized cock, I can't even begin to imagine taking 18" of gnarly looking dragon cock up my arse!

But I suppose one man's kink is another elf's paradise and perhaps these Dragon loving ladies (and gents) do enjoy having their 'guts rearranged'* and would find tease/denial and Femdom 'weird'. Or maybe they're into that too? Seems to me like if you're into that you're probably pretty open-minded about most things... but who knows?

* A charming description to be sure, but common parlance amongst the younger generation apparently.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Valentine's Day...

How was your Valentine's Day? Mine was pretty damn good, it started with me getting edged before getting up to go to work (can't remember the last time that happened), a very enjoyable and unexpected start to the day. And when I came home Mistress and I had a nice evening together, including a nice meal with cards and gifts.

I know it's fashionable to poo-poo Valentine's Day as commercial nonsense, but I don't think it's a bad idea in principle. I mean sure, when I see a bunch of roses selling for £20 in the supermarket I can see why it pisses some people off, but there's no reason you have to go that route. 

This was our 33rd Valentine's Day together and when I woke up I wasn't even thinking about sex... I didn't even have any morning wood! But Mistress started playing with my balls and before you know it I was rock hard. She was really teasing me this morning, stroking me with just two fingers, then her nails, then barely moving her hand so that I ended up fucking her hand.

Eventually Mistress started pumping my cock hard and fast, but then she would abruptly stop... then start again, it was hot as hell! Ultimately there was no release and after another very sudden edge, Mistress called a halt. Just as well really as I only had about ten minutes before I had to leave for work.

When I got to work, my colleagues were asking each other if they did anything for Valentine's Day, neither of them did... I was dying to say 'Well maybe if you did then you would have got lucky this morning!' 

But I refrained... haha.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Two More Stories by Other Authors

I'm still adding links to stories by other authors to the blog as I find them, most recently the incredibly lengthy 'She Deserves It' by Cactusaur. This is a good story, but I honestly much preferred the first part to the second. As is often the way with these stories, the author feels the need to ramp things up and up and it gets a bit much by the end. 

They also have an odd habit of jumping from one scene to another without explanation, which to me reads like they wrote all the scenes and couldn't be bothered to spend the time connecting them properly. Maybe that won't bother you as much as it did me though... I just feel like this is a very good story that could have been a great story. Still worth a read, but it is extremely long! 

On the other hand 'David and Sarah' is much more straightforward (and a lot shorter), again I thought this was pretty good and it kinda reminded me of the 'Feeling Cucky' story that I reposted from an old copy of Forum magazine a very long time ago; 2011 in fact!

I was hoping 'Cactusaur' might have written some other Femdom / Chastity / Cuckolding stories, but sadly not. 'Lockedsissysubmissive' does have some other similar stories, but I think this is the best one. 

Sunday, 9 February 2025

The 'Worst' Kind of Ruined Orgasm

What could I possibly mean by 'the worst' kind of ruined orgasm, do you think?

Well, if you're imagining the kind where you're given 'permission' to cum and then stimulation is withdrawn at the very last second, leaving you helplessly watching as you leak a steady pool of cum down the side of your poor, aching, desperate cock... then no, that's absolutely NOT what I'm talking about here. 

Perversely I really like that kind of ruin... partly, of course, because I love feeling helpless, submissive and deliciously frustrated and partly because it's 'intentional'; it's what Mistress wanted to happen, it was a conscious decision on her part.

The kind of ruin I'm talking about is when you're being teased end edged and even though your Mistress stops teasing you right when you warn her you're close, you can't help but feel like maybe it wasn't quite soon enough. Maybe you feel 'something' as the cum refuses to retreat back into your swollen balls like it's supposed to, but you really can't be sure. It's so vague... it's 50/50 and you just can't tell. 

And then you feel the tell-tale warm drip on your skin as your cock gradually softens and allows its load to slowly release itself. No pleasure, no frustration, no straining, no helpless submissive feelings... none of that, just a mild sense of disappointment and failure.

But there is always a risk when being edged by someone else, maybe they don't stop quite as suddenly as you hope. It could be just half a stroke, but that might be the difference between success and failure. But then if you never lose control are you just playing way too safe? Ultimately it's probably inevitable now and then (especially if like me you don't have as much feeling as you should)... but it's still something I would like to avoid. 

Perhaps when Mistress and I re-appraise our chastity contract we can include some sort of 'penalty' or 'punishment' for unauthorised ruins. At least that would give me a chance to atone for my behaviour..?

It's Getting Harder (In Every Sense of the Word)

Well it seems that I jumped the gun a little posting yesterday, since as soon as that went up Mistress and I had some more pre-dinner fun. I must say that since last weekends amazing Femdom Session I have been feeling so much more positive about things and resisting the temptation to touch my cock seems to be paying dividends.

Though I did wear my Oxballs Cocksling yesterday, which helps, I was so hard.. it felt amazing, and Mistress was clearly enjoying teasing me. With my balls held tight in the sling it felt so good when she licked and sucked them. Mmmmmmmmmmm!

Once she got me to the edge she kissed me while scratching my cock with her (very long, real) nails. That was so hot, not exactly 'painful' but deliciously evil and I loved it. After I had cooled off a little Mistress began the teasing again and soon I was begging to be allowed to worship her gorgeous ass.

I really can't over-emphasize this point... I cannot get enough of Mistress's GORGEOUS ass! It looks amazing, it feels amazing, it tastes amazing. I cannot imagine ever choosing an orgasm over being allowed to worship her ass, that's how much I love it. I am a very lucky man to have a wife with such a perfect ass, perfect feet, perfect breasts... just perfect all over. 

You know I would love to spend a half hour just kissing Mistress all over, every part of her gorgeous body, there's no part of her that I wouldn't want to kiss, even her armpits are sexy as hell. But her ass is the best. Oh my God, it is so perfect. I could kiss those cheeks for hours and lick her hole for another hour. If only she'd let me... 

Anyway.... so I woke up this morning, and immediately started thinking about yesterday. About Mistress standing over me as I reached up to caress her awesome legs and part her cheeks, while she slapped and stroked my cock. I was soon hard and I had to take my hands out from under the duvet to stop myself touching my cock. I remembered how, after allowing me to taste her ass three times I begged for even more and she said...

"You can't lick it any more, but you can look at it."

She sank down onto me and I felt my throbbing cock slip between inside her mouth as I had to fight the ache to worship her amazing ass one more time. That was tough, let me tell you. That was really tough. But I'm an obedient sub and I made it through.... haha.

Mistress continued stroking me to a second edge, which arrived dangerously fast I might add; that was very nearly an accidental ruin! And after that we lay in bed, holding each other, my cock still hard as rock until I removed the Oxballs (needless to say I had already made Mistress cum before she started teasing me - as it should be; she comes first after all).

So it got me thinking about the value of chastity, and how it's not simply just that being denied means you are hornier when you get to play with your partner. But it's also how it makes you feel closer to them and how it means you associate pleasure with your partner. That's a very powerful thing and it's well worth the effort of resisting temptation for. 

Saturday, 8 February 2025

No Touching!

It's been almost a week since our first 'Femdom Session' in a very long time, and so far so good. As per Mistress's instructions I have not touched my cock, balls or ass at all, even though at times I wanted to and even though at times I almost did it without thinking Eek! Oddly enough, one morning I had a little lie in as I had to go somewhere on the way to work and as I lay in bed (Mistress was already up and working in an adjoining room) I fantasized about (for some reason) ringing* Mistress to ask permission to touch my cock. 

*If anyone under 30 is reading this, ringing someone is where you dial a number and actually speak to someone on the phone, a bit old fashioned perhaps but I can assure you texting Mistress for anything would result in being ignored or at worst a flat no. And rightly so.

I can't really imagine why that would ever happen because Mistress and I are rarely apart and even if we were I can't honestly imagine ringing her to ask permission... but anyway, I suppose the details are not that important. The finer points are somewhat hazy, but the upshot was that Mistress told me I could not touch my cock directly but that I could rub it through my boxer shorts if I really wanted to.

That made me quite hard and I definitely wanted to touch my cock at that point, but since I would have to get up and go and ask Mistress's permission (by which time I'm sure the moment would have 'passed') I elected not to bother. I think I liked it because it was Mistress granting permission but with a twist of 'control'. Another example which I may have used in a story before would be asking permission to cum on Mistress's feet (for example) and being told yes, but only if you ruin it.


I'm delighted to see that 'SubHub in Phoenix' has started posting again after a very long break in transmissions. SubHub has long been my favourite blog and he always posts very intriguing and exciting posts. His life with Mistress K is a bit more extreme than ours, a much more 24/7 WLM situation and while I'm not sure that would be entirely for me, some of the posts are extremely hot.

I'm sure you all follow SubHub anyway, but I just wanted to give them a shout out since you may not have realised that the blog is operational again. 

Monday, 3 February 2025

FEMDOM SESSION - 2nd February 2025

Long term readers will know that over the years Mistress and I have indulged in regular Femdom sessions which I often described in great detail here on this blog. This started way back in the 90s, then stopped altogether for several years before restarting in the 2000s, and since then we've had consistent years and inconsistent years... sometimes making it as high as 9 in a year, sometimes as low as 1.

Last year we managed just one, way back in March... but a few weeks ago, just before Christmas actually I think, Mistress and I were talking about our 'lifestyle' and our chastity contract and how we could improve it. In fact we were supposed to have a talk about this and then review our contract. As yet we haven't which is mainly because I wanted to think about what I wanted to say for a while... and also because Mistress suggested we make a real effort to start our Femdom sessions again.

Well I'm pleased to say that we've got one on the board for 2025 already at it was absolutely fantastic!

Despite the fact that we've been doing this for a very long time now, we both still get quite nervous about it, mainly because we both worry that it won't be as good as we want it to be, and obviously the longer it goes between sessions the more pressure builds to make it great. But I think we were both determined not to let our nerves get the better of us this time and as I prepared myself for the session I felt unusually calm about it all.

Mistress told me to wear a blindfold, a cock ring (I chose the Oxballs Cocksling) and our smallest glass buttplug (the one with the ring on the end). As it had been nearly a year since I had anything in my ass I thought it would be a good idea to try fitting the plug before I had my shower. It was actually quite difficult to get it in, but once it was it felt okay.

However when I came back from my shower to fit it again I applied more lube and then it felt far too easy and after about a minute I realised it was going to fall out in no time. I didn't really want that so I grabbed the ribbed glass dildo I bought (identical to Mistress's glass dildo) and pushed that inside me, before kneeling on the floor and awaiting Mistress's arrival.  

One of the things that has definitely been lacking from our 'lifestyle' over the past year is the feeling of being controlled. So I was very happy when Mistress came in and told me that 'things were going to go back to how they used to be, that I was not allowed to touch my cock, balls or ass without permission and transgressions would be punished during the next session. Furthermore if I went beyond simply touching and 'edged' myself or 'made myself cum' I would have to confess to her immediately. She didn't say what would happen in that instance... but I'm guessing it's not good.

Mistress enquired if I had touched my cock recently and I said I had, whereupon she told me lean forward onto my hands and set about 'correcting' me with her whip and paddle. I hadn't felt the sting of the whip (or the paddle) since our last session, and as I counted each stroke and thanked Mistress for it I concentrated on how wet it was going to make Mistress.

Before long Mistress was lying back on the bed, toying her pussy with her glass dildo while I enjoyed worshipping her beautiful feet. While I do worship her feet regularly (after each orgasm generally) it's not the same as kneeling at the foot of the bed and doing it for an extended period (blindfolded, cuffed and with a glass cock in my ass...) and I really loved it.

As I worshipped her gorgeous feet Mistress talked to me, teasing me about how badly I wanted to taste her pussy and ass and how she could get me to agree to just about anything to get my tongue where I wanted it (very true). She also reminded me that she could order me to worship her pussy or ass wherever and whenever she chose. I hope this wasn't just 'talk', it's been so long since Mistress had me randomly worship her gorgeous ass and I really miss that.

Soon Mistress had me on the bed and she quickly knelt astride my head before ordering me to lick her pussy. She tasted amazing and again I realised just how much I had missed having her on top of me like that. 

At this point I couldn't see her of course, but before long she removed the blindfold and stood over me looking absolutely incredible. She had on her PVC skirt and a cupless basque which gave me an awesome view of her sexy body from below. She began teasing (and whipping) my cock, which was soon very hard in the Cocksling. 

As I recall, during the last Femdom session we had I didn't really get that hard, mainly due to nerves I think... so this was a relief honestly, and it meant I could relax and enjoy what Mistress was doing to me. Apart from whipping my cock and balls, Mistress also used a hairbrush to scratch and hit my cock and balls and also teased me with a vibrating buttplug (though that was pretty ineffectual honestly - I've actually bought a new vibrating butt plug that is much stronger and also inflates, but we haven't tried it out yet and thought it best to try it out before we use it in a session).

Mistress looked incredible, as she always does in our sessions, and it made me remember all the things I love about her when she is in full on Mistress mode. Not least how much she obviously enjoys hurting my cock and balls, and the way she can't help but smile when I flinch as she whips my balls or removes a peg from one of my nipples.

Eventually Mistress re-blindfolded me, pegged my nipples and left me to calm down for a while and when she returned she had ditched the skirt in favour of her Ann Summers crotchless panties. I've mentioned these before, they somehow seem to push her pussy lips forward and look very hot on her... although they are a little bit restrictive in some ways. Mistress had me worship her delicious pussy then, and she had a nice orgasm on my tongue. She tasted so damned good, I loved every second of it... 

After Mistress came and had me down on my back again, I asked permission to clean her pussy properly. She straddled my face and I licked her clean, she was still extremely wet... I just love licking Mistress's pussy when she has cum, especially in a session like this when she's extra turned on.

And so we come to the final part of our session... the part where I finally got to worship Mistress's delicious ass. Mmmmmmmm!

Mistress teased me for a while, standing over me and giving me this amazing view of her perfect pink pussy and her tight little hole while she bent forward to suck on my cock. God that was incredible! 

Soon my tongue was pressed firmly against her asshole as she stroked my cock firmly. It wasn't as hard as I'd like, but I've always found it's harder to get fully hard after a long period wearing a cock ring and I am suffering a lot with numbness lately (a hangover from my back surgery years ago). Honestly I hoped losing all this weight would have helped more than it seems to have done, in the past I know there were certain weights where I could expect more or less 'reliability' but I'm way past all those points and apart from a period around Christmas where things improved quite dramatically, I'm still using either a cock ring, a ball stretcher or the cocksling for every teasing session.

Despite this Mistress soon had me on the edge and allowed me to keep licking her gorgeous ass as she pumped me over the edge... honestly before the session I had hoped that she would let me cum on her beautiful feet and lick them clean, but this was awesome too. Mistress made me lick her fingers clean and then scooped up as much cum as she could find and fed it to me, even some that had ended up on the black PVC sheet down between my knees. 

It was great to finally have another Femdom session, and I really hope this is the start of a new series of sessions. Because I hadn't had anything in my ass for so long before this session Mistress said she wouldn't use the strap-on on me this time, but since I had to switch out the butt plug for a larger one I'm hoping next time will be different.