Saturday, 14 August 2021

CAPTION: If You Didn't Love the Taste of Your Own Cum...



  1. Such a sexy picture. The idea of eating my own is a paradox. On one hand ... no way, yuck! On the other hand, being required to by Mistress would be an amazing arousing prospect to live under. That said, Mistress currently has no interest in having me do it.

  2. RA,

    You used to write the hottest captions on the internet. The quality of the content was far above all the others. Do you think you will ever be inspired again someday to write more captions for your other blog? My Mistress and I enjoy reading them together and then talking about what I find hot about the caption versus what turns her on about the caption. It has made communication easy and helped us learn a lot about what our limits are and where we want to push boundaries in the future to further her dominance and my subjugation. My Mistress and I very much appreciate it. Thanks for all the fun ideas as well!

    1. Hi, sorry for taking two years to answer.... hope you are still reading. Like everything, I would like to do more, whether I will or not is a mystery to me as much as you.
