Monday, 3 March 2025

Basking in the Afterglow...

After our amazing session yesterday I ended up staying up until 1:30am writing my previous post, which is probably why I'm a little sleepy today. But still, I'm glad I did because I wanted to capture as much detail as possible before too much time passed... and honestly I've already read it back twice today, just revelling in the memories. 

You might perhaps imagine that given I was allowed to cum in our previous session and I wasn't in this one that I would feel slightly disappointed, but nothing could be further from the truth. I think this session was even better than the previous one (and that one was fantastic as it was), probably because we were both a little more relaxed this time and subsequently a little more turned on. 

While I'm not going to pretend that my enjoyment of the session is 100% reliant on Mistress's enjoyment it is of course a huge factor and without a doubt the more she enjoys it the more I enjoy it. And I'm not just talking about how hard she cums or whatever, it's all the little things through the session that show me she's having fun. Like the glint in her eye when I flinch as she removes a clothes peg from my nipple, or how wet her pussy is after she's whipped me. As I've said before I don't particularly enjoy pain for the sake of it, but I do very much enjoy feeling submissive and I love the effect it has on Mistress.

So no, honestly I'm not remotely disappointed that I didn't get to cum myself; as you surely know by now I'd gladly trade my own orgasm away for many things that I got to enjoy yesterday, not least the chance to worship Mistress's delicious ass. I'm just so happy that we are back on track and I honestly can't wait for the next session to roll around.

I didn't mention it in my 'session' post, but just before the session started an idea popped into my head for another story. And this one I'm actually quite excited about. I think it has the potential to be a very long story and I have a novel way of presenting it... I'm still mulling over the details (not least trying to think of good names for the characters BEFORE I get stuck in), but I can see this taking a while and I already have many stories on the go. In fact I think I found a finished story sitting on my desktop last night! I can't really understand why it's just sitting there since 2022... perhaps I wasn't 100% sure it was finished, I need to check it out - I was a bit too tired last night as you can probably imagine! 

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