Tuesday, 11 March 2025

So Much for the Lie In...

Today I had a later start than normal as I wasn't going directly to my normal place of work, so I set my alarm for 7:30 instead of 7:10 and looked forward to enjoying an extra 20 minutes sleep. But of course it was not to be, I woke up at 5:55 and spent the next 90 minutes feeling a little bit cold, but not quite cold enough to actually do anything about it... and then of course I finally started to drift off at 7:25. FFS.

But obviously time awake in bed is never completely wasted, even when you are forbidden from touching yourself.... and while of course my first train of thought was to revisit Saturday night's magnificently frustrating tease session (I think that memory is going to be my 'go-to' for quite some while), which only served to reinforce the always welcome morning boner (don't touch... don't touch... don't touch) my thoughts eventually turned to more recent happenings.

Last night, just before she went to bed, Mistress mentioned my outstanding 'punishment' again (I stayed up a short while to try and wrangle another story into shape... it's getting there but it needs a little more work tonight). Firstly she suggested that maybe I should ask my readers if they had any suggestions... and then she said 'Or maybe I should read SubHub's blog and get some tips'.

Well honestly, my first reaction was 'Hell no!', because not so much recently but in some of his older posts it's clear that Mistress K is rather fond of punishment spankings... sometimes even administering them after Sub Hub has been allowed to cum, just to make absolutely sure he definitely doesn't enjoy them in the slightest! I don't think I would 'enjoy' them anyway, but even so that is next level evil...!

But then later I thought, well actually maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. After all, I can't see reading one blog turning Mistress R completely rogue and it might give her some inspiration that she can adapt to something she feels more comfortable with. And honestly, I'm just pleased she's still thinking about it... because I did worry that she might just let it slide, especially as it wasn't deliberate. But rules without consequences are pointless aren't they? And there's no quicker way back to where we were a few months ago...

And who knows, while I'm sure Mistress R will find SubHub's situation a little 'extreme' for her tastes, I think she might also find it interesting to read about another couple's 'Femdom/Chastity' journey, and perhaps seeing how Mistress K is with SubHub would also make her feel more relaxed about being more 'selfish' and not worrying so much about my 'pleasure'... which can only be a good thing. 

It also occured to me that perhaps reading SubHub's words might give my Mistress a deeper insight into how I feel about her, because while we may live quite different lives, in different countries, there are an awful lot of similarities in how SubHub and I feel about our respective Mistresses. Perhaps it would also be helpful for Mistress to read another blog to help her appreciate how sincere I am in what I write... because just like SubHub I would like nothing more than for Mistress to really believe in how insanely sexy she is and to use it against me in every way possible. 

(Incidentally, I thought it was quite telling how SubHub commented on my post about Saturday night and how he understood completely what I was writing about. It's nice to know that I can occasionally affect him just as he has affected me many times with his fantastic posts.)

Besides, if Mistress did read SubHub's blog and it somehow flicked a switch inside her and turned her into 'Mistress R 3.0'... would I actually be unhappy about that? I mean it's a huge leap from where we are to a full on WLM... and that's not something I believe either of us actually want. But if perchance Mistress said to me, I read that blog and I want that too... well, let's just say I think I could easily be persuaded! 

Albeit I can't help thinking SubHub must be a lot easier on the eye than I am and it must be a lot warmer in Phoenix for Mistress K to keep him naked 24/7! 🤣

Okay look, I would bet 97.5% of my entire life savings against that happening, but even if it helped progress towards 'Mistress R 1.1' I would be more than grateful for that (not that I don't utterly adore 'Mistress R 1.0' you understand). I just want her to know that in my eyes she is by far the sexiest woman on the planet and just being allowed to worship her gorgeous body in any way makes me so incredibly happy... I really want her to believe that profoundly and never doubt it for a second, because she is amazing.

Anyway, if you do have any suggestions for punishing an 'accidental ruin' or indeed any 'unauthorised touching' (haven't done that yet, but it's probably inevitable at some point) bearing in mind I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain, please leave them below.

Can't wait to see what Vanessa comes up with... 🤣


  1. Well Robert, Mistress R... I wholeheartedly agree that broken rules must be punished. Have you considered using a cane or crop on his hand if he touches himself without permission? Since it was his hand that did the deed it's only fitting that his hand should pay the price.

    As for an accidental ruin, well that's perhaps not quite as serious seeing that it wasn't a conscious 'choice' he made, but still steps should be taken to dissuade it happening again. Perhaps removal of some privilege he enjoys for a set time, or since he adores you so much, not allowing him to pleasure you or if this will impact you as much as him perhaps making him wear a blindfold while he does so that he can't enjoy it fully.

    Maybe this for a week or the next so many times? Increasing if it reoccurs within a set time frame?

    By the way I love your blog and I'm so glad you are posting regularly again, your writing is wonderful too, I love reading your stories while my slave is worshipping me. Thank you for your hard work and all the wonderful orgasms I've enjoyed because of it.


    Ms Alison

    1. Hi Ms Alison
      Thanks for your comment and I'm glad you are enjoying my stories. I will pass on your suggestions to Mistress R.

  2. Men are visual creatures by nature, Ms Alison's suggestions were good. I say don't let him see you naked at all for a time, that may be punishment enough. But of course you could administer some physical punishment as well if ir pleases you to do so.

    1. Hi BB
      I'm not sure I like the sound of this.... not being allowed to see Mistress naked at all. But then I suppose it's supposed to be a punishment so fair enough.

  3. Who is this "Vanessa" and why the hell would anyone care what her opinion is? I mean advice (duct tape) is so arbitrary and subjective (rubber bands) and is often of no use (handcuffs) to most people (duct tape the top of the dick, rubber bands around the base, handfcuffs to ward of touching) and people should ignore it (facesitting so no talking/whining is possible) but then...what the hell do I know? :)

    1. Now Vanessa, come on.... go easy, I already told you I'm a wuss! What are you doing to me here???

    2. Oh lord.... Mistress R wants to know if you mean sticking duck tape to my dick and ripping it off? I really hope NOT!

    3. I read a story once where a guy got a painful handjob with a piece of toast wrapped around his cock.

  4. What do you think I mean? Duct tape...over the tip. To stop the explosion. Either that, or duct taping it down to your leg...or to the ceiling? You know...a little ceiling bondage, but via the "cockus". 😁

  5. Try a electric wand. Or a crop. Use either on the cockhead, balls or nipples.
