The other day I suggested that perhaps Literotica might return my story 'Tell Me the Truth' because of the ball-kicking content it contained; but I was wrong and they published it without any issue. However I noticed this morning that I had an email from 'Blogger' telling me that my post 'Tell Me the Truth' had been re-instated. Looking further down my inbox I discovered another email telling me my post had been put behind a sensitive content warning... so maybe it's Google I need to worry about now?
Quite why they need to put individual posts behind 'Sensitive Content' warnings when the whole blog is behind a sensitive content warning I really don't know, but I'm glad they decided to put it back. I mean 'The Vice' is still on the blog and that's way more fucked up than 'Tell Me the Truth' ('The Vice' is the one that Literotica flat out refused to publish and there was another story I had to modify considerably to make it lame enough for them, that one was another CBT story. Thankfully you can read both of these in their original format HERE).
I've never really understood the need to censor texts (as opposed to videos or pictures), to my mind you should be able to write pretty much what you want. I mean proper published novels contain the most graphic descriptions of murder, rape and God knows what else, so I really don't see why 'stories' which in this particular case feature a 'couple' engaging in consensual CBT should require censorship.
Anyhoo, I've just submitted 'Danni & Mike - The Anniversary' to Literotica, hope you enjoyed that one, and I'm starting another 'Danni & Mike' story next I think, no title as yet but hopefully it will be along soon. In the meantime I'm blown away by the reaction my recent spate of stories has received, with all five of them currently sitting in the 4.5-4.8/10 range (which means all of them are rated 'HOT' on Literotica).
I'm itching to start writing what will likely be my next 'big' story, but first I really want to clear out as many ideas from my desktop folder as I can. I am off work next week so that should give me some free time to write.
Also I think I need to look into self-publishing again, or publishing on demand, or whatever it's called. Because I would still really like an actual properly printed book of my stories, or books I guess since there's a lot of them now... I can't really imagine that many other people would actually want to buy a copy given that all these stories are freely available here and on Literotica, but maybe I could write a story that was exclusive to the book.... hmm.
Does anyone have any experience with these kinds of services, or advice? Thanks in advance...
Bots now decide what gets censored, reinstated, photos, clips, text, certain words are flagged, or not, maybe, it makes no sense and never will in the future, ever again. Kindle is best for self publishing from what I know. :)